karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

spring snow in Tokyo

2009-02-27 00:08:58 | ノンジャンル
koharu was absent from school today.

koharu was excited to see the sleet change into snow.
It was a wet snow.
koharu wanted to go out and scoop up snow.

The spring snow easily melted away.
I took some pictures in koharu's garden.


2009-02-26 22:24:30 | ノンジャンル
koharu had 6 lessons and came home from school
around 4 o'clock.
(koharu is my granddaughter. She is 9 years old.)

koharu said she had a slight headache.
I told her to lie down and rest.

I felt her forehead for signs of fever.
No, she had no fever then.

By seven o'clock koharu's fever had gone up to 38℃.
I'm afraid koharu has caught the flu.

I'll be absent from Friday English Class tomorrow
and I'll take care of her.

Today we, practiced "Astroboy" on the harmonica.
I like Thursday Harmonica Circle very much.

climbing Mt. Takao--alone

2009-02-21 23:52:13 | ノンジャンル
I got up at seven this morning.
What a beautiful day with no wind!

I felt happy, preparing breakfast with the radio on.
Suddenly I felt like climbing Mt. Takao and decided
to climb Mt. Takao alone.

When I climb Mt. Takao alone, I make it a rule to
climb it by Inariyama trail--the longest but the most
popular trail.

I left my apartment at 9:00 and arrived at Takaosan-guchi
Station at 10:30.
Then I walked to the start of Inariyama trail.

Be careful not to stumble over giant, spreading roots, karin!

There are several places like this.
It is very hard to ascend the stairs.

Hikers are relaxing at the top.

How happy I was to see glorious Mt. Fuji amid the mountains!

I walked 21921 steps today.
I had a wonderful Saturday.

Mayim Mayim

2009-02-19 22:11:46 | ノンジャンル
In today's Harmonica Class we played a song
on the harmonica.

The song was "Mayim Mayim," one of the songs
for folk dances.

In my school days we would often dance
to the song "Mayim Mayim."

"Mayim Mayim" is a very popular song.
"Mayim Mayim" is a very cheerful song.

Today I learned the following.

"Mayim" is Hebrew.
"Mayim" means "water" in Hebrew.
"Mayim Mayim" is a folk dance by the Israelis
who thank God for water.

Oh, I'd like to dance to Mayim Mayim on the grass!

( today's photos )