karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Good-bye, the year 2005 !

2005-12-31 00:46:44 | ノンジャンル
Personally the year 2005 was a happy and good year. It was full of excitement.

I had my ankle broken in January. It was my first experience. I was excited to know all that I could do was to leave a cure to nature. We human beings are very mysterious existence, aren't we?

As I broke my ankle, I could not go out anywhere. I had much time to do anything in my apartment. So, I started this web site, which made me very happy.

If I had not broken my ankle, I would not have had my own web site, because I had never wanted to before then.

Thank you so much for visiting my web site.
Thank you for writing comments.
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
Thank you for being my friends.

May you all have a wonderful New Year!

(December 31, last year)

she's come home

2005-12-26 21:34:02 | ノンジャンル
I'm relieved and thankful that koharu was able
to leave hospital today.

Everything went well with her.
I thank you for all your prayers.

(koharu's father's message)

The next morning koharu found this message and
asked me how to read the kanji 眠 in it.
Her father is good at drawing !

she survived the operation

2005-12-20 23:57:05 | ノンジャンル
Thank you, everybody! My 6-year-old granddaughter survived two and a half hour operation today. Yesterday she entered hospital and stayed there alone at night.

This is her second night at the hospital. Nobody is allowed to attend the small patients during the night even after an operation.

She was a good girl enough to say good-bye waving her hand. She never asked me or my daughter to stay longer with her. Have a good sleep, granddaughter.

(from her sickroom today)

gone with the wind  

2005-12-18 16:19:15 | ノンジャンル
All the leaves I see from my window are gone with strong winds from the north. It's very cold and windy here in Tokyo. But we are lucky not to have any snow.

I know they are busy removing snow from the roof of their house or clearing away the snow in the snowy districts.

Cheer up, please. Tomorrow is another day.

(a view from my window today)