karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

rainy day

2011-05-29 22:59:00 | ノンジャンル
The rainy season has set in.

It has been raining all day.

It is still raining hard.

Typhoon No.2 is approaching.

I went shopping and walked 7514 steps in the rain.

I was all wet.

The green shiny leaves of ivies looked happy.

four days in Niigata 

2011-05-26 22:50:00 | ノンジャンル
It was my first going home to Niigata this year.

To my surprise, at Shinkansen Platform 21
at Tokyo Station, where I was waiting for my Shinkansen
to come, I happened to see a friend of mine who had come
from Niigata!

I hadn't seen her for more than 10 years.
We recognized each other at once and clasped our hands

On the way home I took a bus.
From the bus window I saw a man who looked
as if he were my husband!

I nearly called to him across the street.
" Oh, no! He can't be so young," I suddenly came to myself.

My old wooden house was all right.

As soon as I arrived at my house, I opened all the windows,
cleaned up all my rooms, and placed candles on the altar
to talk with my husband.

I was happy to see my neighbors.
They are all so kind. I don't know how to express my thanks.

I saw a few of my friends and enjoyed a long talk.
Thank you, ladies!

(cherry tree)

(my rose is 41 years old)

(from Shinkansen)

going home to Niigata

2011-05-20 22:10:00 | ノンジャンル
I haven't been back to my home in Niigata
since last November.

I think I'll go back to Niigata
early tomorrow morning.

I hope everything is all right
with my empty house in Niigata.

See you next week.
(my daughter's Cyclamen, today)
This Cyclamen is three years old.

to Mt. Takao

2011-05-18 11:13:00 | ノンジャンル
Ms. Y and I enjoyed walking in the mountains
the day before yesterday.

We met at 9:00 at Takaosanguchi Station on Keio Line.
Ms. Y had already arrived there when I got there.

We decided to climb Mt. Takao by the 6th trail.

It was our second time to go up by the 6th trail.

I like the 6th trail very much--gentle slopes,
clear streams, deep forest or no paved road.

We walked slowly and softly.
We enjoyed walking.
The skies were blue.
Birds were singing.
Leaves were green.
Little flowers were greeting.

How happy we were!

We reached the top of Mt. Takao at 11:00,
then walked to もみじ台 and had lunch there.

After lunch we decided to go down the mountain
by way of つり橋 in the forest and walk all the way
to Takao Station on Chuo Line.

I walked 26000 steps.
I had a wonderful day.

Thank you so much for walking with me, Ms. Y.

Jindai Botanical Garden

2011-05-15 22:47:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday the concert in which my daughter played
the alto saxophone was over.

The concert went well.
There was a large audience---about 1300.
What a relief!

My busy days were over.
Today I went to Jindai Botanical Garden by myself.
I wanted to see May flowers.

I was sorry today was too late for 藤・牡丹・芍薬.
I was sorry today was too early for 薔薇.

But I was happy to enjoy fresh green.

I thought I had once visited Jindai Botanical Garden.
But I knew today it was Jindaiji-Temple that I had
visited ten years before, not Jindai Botanical Garden.

I walked 14373 steps today.