karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

I like May.

2005-05-01 15:42:54 | ノンジャンル
I like May. Why? Because we have 'Golden Week' holidays? Yes, it must be one of reasons I like May.

Another reason is that we'll have lovely and bracing weather in May. The new leaves rustle in the soft May breeze.

I will listen to the trees rustling their fresh leaves over my head when I am walking in the mountain. Yes, I'll be walking in the mountain by the end of May, I hope! May means 'youth', indeed.

There is a word 'May disease; freshman's apathy syndrome.' The word is not at all true of me. I have both sad and happy memories of May. I always had to be strong in May.

I was born and brought up in the snowy country, as I often write in this diary. There used to be snow left even at the end of April, when I was a little girl.

This year they have had the heaviest snow in these 19 years, and what's more, they had a very big earthquake last year. The proverb 'Misfortunes never come singly' is true.

My parents' graveyard, which is on the top of the hill, was completely destroyed by the earthquake. The graveyard is still under the deep snow. The road to the graveyard is not reopened yet.

Oh! About what am I writing? I'm easily sidetracked!

Yes, in my hometown where I spent my early 18 years, it was in May that a warm south wind ushered in the spring. That's why I like May.