karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

what a beautiful day!

2018-09-28 13:01:00 | ノンジャンル
I am looking up at the sky.

I am looking around in every direction.


I know this sentence is very old,
as I always write.

When I look at the blue sky
without any cloud,
I always remember my school days.

Anyway, what a cold and nice day!

I can't help writing here again
“Not a cloud is to be seen in the sky”.

This is one of my favorite expressions
even though it may not be used any more.

(written at 1:00 p.m.)

to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

2018-09-24 21:47:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning I felt very good
and decided to go to
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
(東京都美術館)in Ueno Park.

I arrived at the museum at 10:00.

I enjoyed 没後50年 藤田嗣治展.

I enjoyed his art through a chronological
display of major works:

Ⅰ 原風景・・・家族と風景
Ⅱ はじまりのパリ・・・第一次世界大戦をはさんで
Ⅲ 1920年代の自画像と肖像・・・「時代」をまとうひとの姿
Ⅳ 「乳白色の裸婦」の時代
Ⅴ 1930年代・旅する画家・・・北米・中南米・アジア
Ⅵ-1 「歴史」に直面する・・・二度目の大戦との遭遇
Ⅵ-2 「歴史」に直面する・・・作戦記録画へ
Ⅶ 戦後の20年・・・東京・ニューヨーク・パリ
Ⅷ カトリックへの道行き

There were 126 works displayed.

No cameras were allowed.

The exhibition was very crowded.

I bought this small book for 1500 yen.

I was very happy to come downtown
and have a wonderful time enjoying

Sorry to say, I was too tired
and had no appetite for lunch.

I had a rest sharing a bench
with two ladies.

I had a very good time talking with them.

Yes, I enjoyed “one chance encounter”.

What a wonderful day I had today!

autumn has come!

2018-09-19 21:07:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning it was so nice and cool
that I felt refreshed.

I am happy
to feel autumn has finally come.

But we will have rainy or cloudy days
before we have beautiful clear autumn

Today we, four ladies, got together
at a community center and enjoyed English
---free conversation and English grammar.

Yes, we are SO into learning English!

signs of autumn

2018-09-13 13:39:00 | ノンジャンル
Is that severe summer finally gone?

Are we in autumn?

It has been cool these days.

I don't use air-conditioning
in the daytime.

How are you, visitors?

I feel fatigue a little---秋バテ,
I wonder.


By the way, my summer break is over
and English classes at a community
center started again..

I belong to two English circles.

On Wednesday 4 ladies who love English
get together and enjoy talking both
in English and in Japanese.

Friday English Class started last Friday.

We enjoyed free and easy conversation
in English with an American teacher.

How happy I am to lead a usual life!

I am always thinking of those sufferers
who are trying to survive hard days
without a good water supply and electricity
or those who live at evacuation sites.

I hope the day will come as soon as possible
when they can start an ordinary life.

(today's newspaper)

the summer 2018

2018-09-06 19:43:00 | ノンジャンル
It's September 6.

We are still in summer, not autumn.

The summer heat is still strong
even in September.

The summer 2018 is the most severe one
I've ever experienced.

The heat has been strong
since the rainy season was over.

Many people had heatstroke and were taken
to hospital by ambulance.

They had a torrential rain in western Japan.
About 200 people lost their lives.
Many people still live at inconvenient
evacuation sites.

On September 4, Typhoon No.21 hit Kinki
and Shikoku regions of Western Japan,
and Tokai and Hokuriku regions.

It was a very powerful typhoon.
It brought heavy rain, strong winds
or exceptionally high tide.

A tanker crashed into bridge
near Kansai Airport
and Kansai Airport is almost isolated.

The typhoon caused wide spread damage.

And early this morning
M.6.7 earthquake hit Hokkaido.

It caused a blackout almost all places
in Hokkaido.
It caused landslides here and there
in Hokkaido.

A large number of people are now
at a loss what to do, I’m afraid.

I can’t find words to encourage them.

I pray for No More disasters!

(this morning)

(written at 2:00p.m. on Sep.6)