karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Sayonara, the year 2012

2012-12-29 09:26:00 | ノンジャンル
Time flies!

Times are changing rapidly.

I'm getting old year by year.
I've lived longer than my husband by 39 years!
I have a lot of things to tell you, darling.
Oh, how much I miss you!

Anyway the New Year is coming around.

May the New year bring us all---
good health, happiness and contentment!

(from my veranda, this morning)

cold, dry weather in Tokyo

2012-12-26 21:31:00 | ノンジャンル
Frost did form at the foot of a big ginkgo
this morning.

The ginkgo tree stands in the shade.

So frost did not melt at all.

Frost columns (霜柱) were seen
even late in the evening.

The cold wind was blowing hard all day.

Today was a very cold day here in Tokyo.


I know the snow is falling thick and fast
in my hometown in Niigata.

Are you all right?

I’m always thinking of you.

Christmas Party at Friday English Circle

2012-12-23 10:21:00 | ノンジャンル
Friday English Circle consists of 8 members.
All members are over 60--5 ladies are in sixties,
two ladies in seventies and one lady in eighties.

Our American teacher comes from Yokota Air Base
and changes every two or three years.
I have been a member of this circle for 13 years.

We had our Christmas Party the day before yesterday.

First we enjoyed three Christmas games.

★ Matching a definition to a Christmas word
a. a traditional Christmas song
b. a kind of sock which gifts are put in
c. an object used for travel over snow pulled by animals
d. metal objects which make a noise when hit
e. traditional Christmas day royal broadcast
f. objects which make a Christmas tree look pretty
g. made of wax and string, it burns slowly
h. a strong wine before a meal
i. a model of a person, made outside in winter
j. gifts
k. a bright light in the sky at night
l. the day before Christmas

1. sherry
2. presents
3. candle
4. carol
5. star
6. snowman
7. sleigh
8. stocking
9. bells
10. Christmas Eve
11. The Queen’s Speech
12. decorations

★How many words can you make out of
RUDOLPH’S RED NOSE in five minutes?

I made 21 words.

★Bingo Game

After the games we had a potluck party.

We enjoyed 2012 Christmas Party a great deal.

One lady made a lovely Christmas brooch for each member.
I love it. Thank you, KK-san!

my first visit to Kawagoe (3)

2012-12-19 10:32:00 | ノンジャンル
Now I returned to the crossing to 喜多院, turned left
and walked on and on.

Here I am!

They were preparing for greeting New Year’s Day.

Now I was going back to Hon-kawagoe Station----
but I was walking in the opposite direction!

Yes, I’ve got lost! That’s Okay.
I love walking about here and there as a stranger.

I walked 17876 steps in a day.