karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on June 28, Sunday

2020-06-28 17:37:00 | ノンジャンル
My daily life is not at all eventful.
I should say I am happy.

We are now in the middle of the rainy season.
We have more rainy days than last year,
don't we?

Today it was raining gently in the morning
and it stopped raining in the afternoon.

I was glad it was not so hot today.

It rained very heavily in Kyushu District.

I hope there was no damage there
by this heavy rain.

On my way back from my daughter's,
I walked along Tamagawa -josui as usual.

It was around 4 p.m. The sky was gray.

There were puddles here and there.

I was happy to see lovely flowers.

I saw くちなし near my apartment.

Oh, how I miss my くちなし
I used to grow in Niigata!

on June 21, 2020

2020-06-21 10:22:00 | ノンジャンル
It's 夏至 summer solstice day.

The daytime is the longest in the year.
It's now cloudy in Tokyo.

Can we observe a partial eclipse of the sun
in the evening?(部分日食)


How quickly time flies!

Only nine days are left until the end of July.

Oh, what have I been doing so far?

I'm afraid I've been always worrying about
something or other.

It means I'm getting older, doesn't it?

Anyway, I hope it will not be a scorching summer
like last summer.

I heartily hope COVID-19 Second Wave will not

(Tamagawa-josui, yesterday)


2020-06-12 20:33:00 | ノンジャンル
What a hot day!

I walked in the heat of the day
to attend Friday English Class
after three months’ absence.

Oh, how happy we were to meet again!

We enjoyed free conversation in English.

We all spoke English in a loud voice
with a mask on.

To talk wearing a mask makes us difficult
to breathe.

We were tired from the heat and stifling,
but we had a very good time.

While walking back to my apartment,
my shirt was soaked with sweat.

By the way, I've finished reading
“Chicken Soup”
from cover to cover.

on June 5, Friday

2020-06-05 13:31:00 | ノンジャンル
It's been a week since I wrote here last.
Each day goes in much the same in my life.

I walk to my daughter's house twice a day,
in the morning and in the afternoon.

This is my daily exercise.

This has been my 「今日行く」「今日用」
for these five years.

By the way, I'll attend Friday English Class
at the community center next week.

Our American teacher, who lives
in Yokota Air Base,emailed us as follows:


As of now, June 30th is the date given to us
as when restrictions should be renewed or
terminated for base.

However, essential services are allowed,
employment being one of them.

Therefore, I am happy to announce
that I am able to attend class on the 12th.


I'm looking forward to meeting all my classmates

(ビヨウヤナギ in my neighborhood)