karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2005-05-04 21:53:31 | ノンジャンル
I bought a new digital camera which is as small as a cigarette case yesterday.

Taking pictures was easy. It was difficult for me to capture their data into my computer in my own way. I tried late last night, only to fail.

I didn't have a good sleep last night. I couldn't banish the trouble with the computer from my mind. I was worried about the trouble. I didn't have much appetite for breakfast.

I asked for my daughter's help today. She was very busy but she came to me after lunch. She kindly taught me how to solve my problem. It was not a difficult problem at all---for her. Thank you, daughter !

I felt as if I had come out of the complete dark. I went to a supermarket to buy food for supper. To my astonishment, I found it difficult to walk on the way home.

I had a stabbing pain in my broken ankle. I walked back to my apartment very slowly.

Does lack of sleep cause acute pain? The twilight came on. I usually like to see twilight tint the sky but I felt very sad this evening.