karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today's flowers

2006-03-31 19:58:09 | ノンジャンル
My granddaughter, koharu, goes to Fuchu Metropolitan Hospital
to see a doctor every two months since she had an operation
last December.

Today I went to the hospital with them--koharu and her mother.
It was a fine day but the wind was blowing hard. On the way
home koharu wanted to walk against the wind.

She said, "I am a kaze-no-ko." We walked from the hospital
to Kokubunji Station.

( near the hospital )

cherry trees at Ueno Park

2006-03-29 00:30:21 | ノンジャンル
After doing some housework in the morning, I thought of
going out to see the cherry blossoms at Ueno Park.

I was really amazed at a lot of beautiful cherry trees in full
bloom and the number of people who came to enjoy them.

Many people were enjoying their picnics under the cherry blossoms.
Everybody walking through the tunnel of cherry blossoms looked

There was a pond next to the park. I saw the reflection of cherry
blossoms in the pond. It was very beautiful.

flowers I saw today

2006-03-26 21:58:04 | ノンジャンル
Wild violets appeared in the bush along Tamagawa-josui.
They were talking in a friendly way without stopping.
What were they talking?

The cherry trees along Tamagawa-josui have started to blossom.
They will be in full bloom in a few days if the good
weather continues. They know spring has come.

Are these flowers Yulan magnolia (haku-mokuren)?
They are so noble against the blue sky.
They seemed sad when I saw them in the dark.

time really flies

2006-03-24 00:20:25 | ノンジャンル
When I came to live in Tokyo, koharu, my granddaughter,
was a little baby. Now she is a 6-year-old girl.
Yesterday was her last day at her nursery school.

On her way back from her nursery school, I asked her
to stop to take a picture of her and a pink camellia
(tsubaki) blooming there.

Today there was a ceremony and a thank-you party
at nursery school. koharu will go to elementary school
next month.

(thank-you card made by koharu's mother)
(she made 40 cards )

Time really flies.