karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

from Mt. Shiroyama to Mt. Takao (2)

2009-06-28 23:11:00 | ノンジャンル
We had lunch at the top of Mt. Shiroyama.

This is the master of the cha-mise.
He gave me permission to use this picture here.

I like his nameko miso soup so much.

Then Ms. Y and I walked down to Mt. Takao.

I was surprised to find that a lot of trees
at Itcho-daira had been cut down.

The top of Mt. Takao was crowded with many hikers,
including little boys and girls.

They all looked happy.

The sky was getting dark.

I was sure it would soon rain.

We decided to go down the shortest way
--Hikagesawa route.

It began to rain on the way but it was all right with us.

We were always ready for a heavy rain.

I walked 23180 steps.

from Mt. Shiroyama to Mt. Takao (1)

2009-06-28 22:58:00 | ノンジャンル
Ms. Y and I enjoyed walking along the ridges
from Mt. Shiroyama to Mt. Takao.

Mt. Shiroyama is 670m high
and Mt. Takao is 599m high.

Bad weather is expected all this week.

The radio said that there would be no sunshine today.
It was cloudy and the late evening's forecast would be for rain.
But the rain had come much earlier than the forecast.

Ms. Y and I met in front of Takao Station at 8:30.

We began to climb Mt. Shiroyama at 9:00,
reaching the top at 11:00.

We walked very slowly.

On the way to the top, I saw these lovely flowers.

We could not see the outline of mountains
because of the thick fog.

(no Mt. Fuji!)

The hydrangeas made us happy.

brass band concert

2009-06-22 19:23:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I enjoyed a Sunday afternoon concert.

It was a brass band concert given by high school students.

The concert hall was filled with 1500 people.

The brass band consisted of about 100 high school boys and girls.

   How fresh they looked!
   How happy they looked!
   How lively they were!
   How brisk they were!

They were blooming with health, youth and harmony.

Thank you for a wonderful Sunday.

(they are preparing for the stage)


1st Stage: Classic Stage

★ 青空と太陽 (藤代敏裕)
★ 素晴らしき3つの冒険 (P.スパーク)
★ 風之舞  (福田洋介)
★ ハンガリー民謡 くじゃくによる変奏曲 (Z. コダーイ)

2nd Stage: Stage Drill 2009

★ オープニング
★ I was born to love you
★ フレンジャー
★ Exit
★ ルパン三世のテーマ
★ 残酷な天使のテーゼ
★ 恋はあせらず
★ 虹
★ エンディング

3rd Stage: Pops Stage

★ アバ・ゴールド
★ World Medley
★ 涙 そうそう
★ Deep Purple Medley


mystery bus tour in June (7)

2009-06-17 11:17:00 | ノンジャンル
Where are we going? It's a mystery.

The last mystery was solved.

It was Zao!

What a happy surprise!

That was the very place I wanted to come to.

The weather was changeable in the mountains.
A thick fog came one when my bus was going down
the mountain.

Now my bus started back--a long way to run.
There was a thunder storm on the way.
I came home around midnight.

I bought kokeshi for koharu, my granddaughter.