karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

autumn colors along Tamagawa-josui

2013-11-27 23:25:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday it was such a lovely day
that I could not stay indoors.

I called YI-san, my friend, and we decided
to walk along Tamagawa-josui.

YI-san came to my apartment by bicycle.

We went to Kiheibashi and started to walk
along Tamagawa-josui.

What agreeable weather!
Warm sunlight shone through the trees.

We walked and walked until we came
to the train station Tamagawa josui,
where we took a bus for Tachikawa Station.

We had lunch at a restaurant in Tachikawa Isetan.
A glass of wine made me so happy.

After lunch we beautiful autumn colors
sitting on the bench near the Tachikawa gate
of Showa Kinen Park.

We came back by train on the Chuo Line.

We enjoyed walking and talking to the full.

Thank you for a nice day, YI-san!

I walked 22502 steps yesterday.

Amaryllis Annual Autumn Concert 2013

2013-11-25 23:00:00 | ノンジャンル
The 26th Amaryllis Annual Autumn Concert
was held at 府中の森芸術劇場 ウイーンホール
last night.

My daughter and her husband (koharu's parents)
have been its members for about 20 years.

There used to be many members in this band
when my daughter became a member---
more than 50 members or so, I suppose.

Most of them were company employees.

Some left Tokyo due to transfer and others left
Tokyo due to marriage or family affairs.

15 members performed on the stage last night.

The quintet--- koharu’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miya
and Mr. Matsu---played “Stardust”
and 「さくらのうた~FIVE」on the saxophone.

koharu and I enjoyed the concert so much.

koharu was listening to their music taking notes.

She is always a severe music critic.

saizeriya lunch

2013-11-21 23:01:00 | ノンジャンル
Mrs. HK lives near my apartment house.

She lived in Kyushu but her husband passed away so suddenly
several years ago and she came back to her parents in Tokyo.

We soon became good friends.
She is much younger than I.

Now her parents are both getting old and she is taking care
of them at home.

When her parents go to nursing home for day-care services,
we often meet and have lunch at DOUTOR nearby.

Today we met and had a light lunch at Saizeriya nearby.

Oh, when did I come to Saizeria last?

We had gratin(グラタン)for 499 yen and some drinks
188 yen each. What an inexpensive lunch!

We talked and talked for an hour and a half.

Yes, chatting or laughing
really makes us happy.

(on the way back to my apartment)

my heart aches

2013-11-16 12:59:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day!
It's not cold at all--yes, a balmy autumn afternoon.

We are still in autumn, though we’ve had
so many cold days as in winter.

Today's agreeable weather makes me happy.

But when I think of all the difficulties they are facing
in Philippines, my heart aches and sinks.

The big and powerful typhoon No.30, a week ago,
caused such a destructive damage to them.

A lot of people are even now at a loss what to do
for lack of water and food.

I wish the international teams will help them
as soon as possible.

I pray they will somehow survive all those difficulties.