karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

beauties of nature

2013-09-30 09:59:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I visited Kinchakuda in Hidaka City in Saitama Pref.
Kinchakuda is famous for its beautiful cluster amaryllis,’彼岸花.

彼岸花 is another name of 曼珠沙華 which means flowers
blooming in heaven.(天上に咲く花)

I invited Mrs. M to go there with me.
I’ve been there several times but Mrs. M had never visited it.

Yesterday it was her first visit to Kinchakuda.

We walked from Koma Station. There were farmers’ stands
on the way.

We walked along the Koma River.
We had onigiri-lunch beside the Koma River.

We paid 300 yen each, and enjoyed the flowers.

Mrs. M was excited to see the red carpets of beautiful flowers.

We were too early to enjoy cosmos.

We enjoyed the flowers of red buckwheat
and Mt. Hiwada.

Mrs. M and I had a good time enjoying 彼岸花 at their best.

I walked 15799 steps in a day.

What a beautiful day!

2013-09-27 12:51:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day!

Early this morning, I went to my daughter's.

She went to work earlier than usual,
so I went to her home and hung out
the laundry she had done.

Then I came back to my apartment and
cleaned my rooms.

After having lunch, I'll go to my daughter's again
and stay there until my daughter comes home.

I’m glad my daughter sometimes needs my help.
I’m glad to be helpful to her in some way.

Let's have lunch!

(on the way back to my apartment --9:30a.m.)

movie, 「そして父になる」

2013-09-24 22:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Last night, while surfing the Web, I happened to know
the movie 「そして父になる」would be showing on today
at Tachikawa Cinema City.

So I went to Tachikawa before noon and watched the movie.

The movie won JURY PRIZE at FESTIVAL CANNES 2013.

Most of you know the story. It is about two families
-- one rich, the other poor—who are told that their sons were
switched in the hospital at birth. The sons are six years old.

What would I do if I were in their place?

I'd like to accept things as they are.—あるがままを受け入れる
in Japanese.

It is my way of life.

Lake Kawaguchiko in early autumn

2013-09-18 21:16:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day!

Yesterday I had an urge to go to Lake Kawaguchiko
and see Mt. Fuji in early autumn.

I had breakfast in a hurry, did washing and hurried
to the nearest railway station.

I arrived at Kawaguchiko Station at about half past 11:00am.

(Kawaguchiko Station)

When I visited Kawaguchiko last time ( this May),
I could not see Mt. Fuji on the shore of Lake Kawaguchiko.

Yesterday, I made it!
Standing on the shore of the lake, I could see Mt. Fuji!
Majestic, glorious and beautiful Mt. Fuji!

Blue skies, blue Mt. Fuji and the blue lake!

I felt so happy, walking along the shore alone.

I saw a young lady reading a book under a big tree
along the shore.

I walked on and on, looking at Mt. Fuji and Lake Kawaguchiko.

I sat by the shore and had my onigiri-lunch.

After lunch I wanted to sail around the lake.
I chartered a small motorboat for 5000 yen.
An experienced old sailor sailed around the lake for me.

How fast the boat sails!
How exciting!

How beautiful Mt. Fuji looks!
How clear Lake Kawaguchiko is!

Sailing by motorboat was just like enjoying
a roller coaster in a theme park.

(sailo r steering my boat)

I had a tea break at my favorite hotel, Fuji Lake Hotel.

When I went back to Kawaguchiko Station,
I was told that trains on Chuo Line were not running
from 大月 to 高尾 because of some accident.

So I decided to go back to Tokyo in an express bus for Shinjuku.

Anyway I had an unexpectedly happy day.

I walked 19222 steps in a day.