karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

New Year's Eve

2006-12-31 12:39:31 | ノンジャンル
My daughter's family went to Kyoto yesterday.
I didn't go with them because I wanted to take care of
my grandson's goldfish.

Early this morning I went to my daughter's house
and took care of them.

I turned on the light of the gold fish bowl.
Then I gave them some food and spoke to them.
They looked very fine.

In the evening I'll go to my daughter's house again
to turn off the light and to say good night to them.

It was very cold in the morning.
I saw frost formed on the ground.
I saw a white tree against the blue sky.

The last day of the year 2006 is going by.

(white tree and blue sky)

(frost, shimo-bashira, this morning)

clouds, skies, mountains

2006-12-26 13:06:20 | ノンジャンル
When I travel by plane, I always sit in a window seat.
I've never seen any movies, nor have I listened to any
music on a plane.

I am enjoying clouds and skies I look out of my seat.
These pictures were taken by me.

When I have a sad news and feel so sad, I always think
of the Universe.

(on the way to Greece--December in 2003)

(on the way to Italy--January in 2006)

(over the Alps)

from Mt. Shiroyama to Mt. Takao

2006-12-22 22:51:38 | ノンジャンル
Ms.Y and I enjoyed walking in the mountains
on December 19th.

According to the weather forecast, beautiful
weather was expected.
But it was not so good as we wished.

To my surprise, some roads to Mt. Takao were closed
to hikers for cutting down trees. There were signs
that read "No thoroughfare until the end of February, 2007."

There were very few hikers that day.
My favorite "cha-mise"was not open.
I was sorry that I could not enjoy nameko miso-soup.

Ms.Y and I first climbed Mt. Shiroyama. We had lunch there.
Then we walked to Mt. Takao. We went down the mountain
by way of Hikage-sawa.

Ms.Y and I enjoyed our last mountain climbing in 2006.

(at kobotoke-toge)

(at the top of Mt. Shiroyama)

(big fir tree and maple)