karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

joy in everyday moments

2011-03-26 10:08:00 | ノンジャンル
by koharu, my 11-year-old granddaughter.

Spring has come in Tokyo.
It's still cold but today's gentle sunshine says
it's spring.

It is said to be snowing in Tohoku region.
Oh! May spring come in those devastated areas!

One of my American friends wrote to me as follows:
While it must seem overwhelming to watch and wait,
I pray you will find joy in everyday moments like
your granddaughter's smile, playing your harmonica
or visiting with neighbors.
koharu was excited to find wild little flowers
by the roadside.

I had almost forgotten to see those lovely flowers.

(wild flowers we saw by the roadside)

Ten days have passed since....

2011-03-21 21:40:00 | ノンジャンル
Ten days have passed
since Tohoku-Kanto Great Earthquake.

It is reported more than 13000 people are
still missing!

Those people who have survived it are staying
in the evacuation centers.

They just manage to stay alive under poor conditions.

They all are always in my thoughts and prayers.

As for the nuclear disaster, I'm worrying
about it a lot.

They are doing their best for their life.
They are so brave. I'm thankful to them
for their work.

All I can do is to watch what will happen
for the time being.

I’m quite used to ‘3 hour- blackout’once a day.

I am at a total loss for words but I'd like to say--

a slight stomachache

2011-03-09 22:38:00 | ノンジャンル
I've had a slight stomachache since Monday.

The stomachache gets worse when I am walking.
I'm sorry I can't walk about for hours.

But I was happy to walk 6000 steps today.
How happy to go outside for some fresh air!

I hope I'll soon be all right.
But I'll go to my doctor on Monday.

(at 4:00 this afternoon)

my Sunday

2011-03-06 10:07:00 | ノンジャンル
On Sunday I usually wake up around six.
I stay in bed until 7 o'clock, listening
to the radio, dozing peacefully.

Among the Sunday radio programs, I like
「あのころのフォークが聴きたい」by なぎら健壱
and 文学のしずく(this morning 伊勢物語 in
modern Japanese).

At nine in the morning I turn on my TV to watch
「題名のない音楽会」. I am a fan of Mr.佐渡 裕,
who is a famous conductor.

In the evening I listen to the radio again,
my favorite radio program「地球ラジオ」.

I usually go out in the afternoon.

I think I'll start reading the books I bought
a few days ago.

blue sky

2011-03-03 23:00:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day!

I left my apartment at half past eight
in the morning and went to the community center
to attend Harmonica Circle.

It was very cold.
The wind was blowing.
The golden morning sunshine sparkled.
The sky was so blue.

I am being kept alive by Something great!

I don't know why but I suddenly felt so.