karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on the last day of January

2021-01-31 14:19:00 | ノンジャンル
Time flies and it's already the last day
of January.

It's sunny here again in Tokyo, which means
it's snowing in my hometown in Niigata.


Feb.2 is the last day of winter and
Feb.3 is the first day of spring
by the lunar calendar.

Are you planning to scatter parched beans
on Feb. 2 to drive out evil spirits?


When can we stop the spread of
the new coronavirus and get back our
normal life?

There is a saying, “After night comes the day.”
Yes, let's live today hoping for the future.

on January 25, 2021

2021-01-25 13:36:00 | ノンジャンル
We had two cold rainy days---
yesterday and the day before yesterday,
I mean.

It was a light rain, not a heavy rain.

It was a blessed rain for all plants, I think.

We had very little rain both in November
and in December.

It's sunny today.

Oh, what a lovely day!

I did a lot of washing and hung the laundry out
to dry.

Then I visited my daughter.

How comfortable to walk in the sun!

Don't be so depressed, Karin, about the ongoing
coronavirus pandemic!

I enjoy walking to my daughter's house
twice a day---in the morning and in the afternoon,
as I often write here.

I go shopping at a nearby supermarket
every other day.

I make it a rule to stay at home but walking
in the open air is necessary for me to stay healthy.

Are you enjoying your staying at home?

(Tamagawa-josui, this morning)

on Jan. 17, 2021

2021-01-17 09:41:00 | ノンジャンル
Days are passing rapidly by.

We are under a state of emergency
and stay at home restraining
nonessential outgoings.

How are you getting along?

I live alone and I'm spending quiet
and uneventful days.


I miss my classmates at Friday English Class
at the community center.

We decided to cancel the classes
as long as we are under a state of emergency.

By the way, is the declaration working well?


My computer, which I bought 15 months ago,
had gone wrong and was sent to a PC factory.

They say it will take one month or so
to be all right.

My daughter lent me one of her computers.

It's a bit hard for me to handle it.

I don't know how to take in pictures I took.

I'm looking forward to my pc coming back to me.

on January 7, 2021

2021-01-07 22:19:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, no!

It is reported that in Tokyo 2447 people
were infected by New coronavirus today.

I'm afraid of medical breakdown.

In the evening Prime Minister Suga declared
State of Emergency for Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama
and Chiba.

I hope this declaration will work
and COVID-19 cases will go down.

(written at 10:15p.m.)

Happy New Year!

2021-01-01 20:12:00 | ノンジャンル
Happy New year, everybody!

The year of the Ox has started!

I heartily hope the Ox can ward off COVID blues.

Today, on Jan, 1, 2021,
what a lovely day we had here in Tokyo!

The sky was blue and no wind was blowing.

I was so happy to look up at the sky.


What is your New Year’s resolution?

My New Year’s resolution is to try to live
up to my favorite motto:

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.
(by Mahatma Gandhi)

I'd like to try my hardest.

(acacia against the blue sky)