karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to the Hawaiian Islands

2014-03-21 10:47:00 | ノンジャンル
I'll join a package tour to the Hawaiian Islands.

My suitcase has gone to Narita Airport.

Tomorrow I'm going to fly to Honolulu.

Then I'll set out a 7-day cruise
in the Hawaiian islands.

We are supposed to call at ports of
Oahu, Maui, Hawaii and Kauai.

I hope I can see the native beauty of the islands.

Our ship is a Norwegian ship named ‘Pride of America.’

It has 8 restaurants, 10 bars or lounges,1069 cabins,
sports courts, a concert hall, etc.

There will be many people from Europe.

I'm looking forwatd to seeing many people
from different countries.

See you in April!

St. Patrick's Day Parade in Tokyo (3)

2014-03-17 21:47:00 | ノンジャンル
At the end ofthe parade they were picking up litter
in the street.

What a happy parade!
All the people watching the parade looked happy.

My friends and I were very happy.
It was our first time to see St. Patrick's Day Parade.
The parade was terribly exciting!

After enjoying the parade, we walked to Yoyogi Park
and enjoyed ‘I love Ireland Festival.

We walked, talked and laughed a lot.

I had a wonderful Sunday.

I walked 13899 steps in a day.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Tokyo (1)

2014-03-17 21:10:00 | ノンジャンル
I hear they celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day
on March 17 in Ireland.

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.

Saint Patrick passed away on March 17.

St. Patrick's Day is now celebrated around the world.

Yesterday, here in Tokyo, St. Patrick's Day Parade
was held on the 表参道 street.

I went to see the parade with my friends.

We had a light lunch at a restaurant on the表参道 street.

Wow! we saw a newly married couple walking outside the restaurant.
We ran out and gave them a congratulation clap!

Here comes the Parade!

a sneaker

2014-03-14 22:24:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu is my 13-year-old granddaughter.

This is a sneaker for her right foot.

I was surprised to see the sneaker.
It looked like a real one.

It was made of something like clay.
koharu made it in her art class at junior high school.

How about making the other sneaker
for your left foot, koharu?