karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Sep. 30, 2020

2020-09-30 13:52:00 | ノンジャンル
It is the last day of September.

How quickly this year has gone by!

Do I feel like this because of
COVID-19 pandemic?

It's true all of the world is smothered
in a sense of helplessness.


Oh, what a beautiful autumn day!

I've just come back to my apartment
by way of Tamagawa-josui.

I was so happy to see the plants
along Tamagawa-josui.

They were all so cheerful
in the mild autumn sunlight.

I had my spirits lifted
by those plants.

on Sep.20, Sunday

2020-09-20 10:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Another week has passed since my last article
and long-awaited autumn has come!

How happy I am!

It's not hot, nor cold today.

It's cool but a little humid.

I'm looking forward to a beautiful clear autumn day.

But to tell the truth, I miss the severe summer heat
a little.

I sent a tense life during the summer.

What a relief when the night came!

I felt I had a satisfying day and thanked for surviving
the severe summer heat.


Are you enjoying your autumn consecutive
holidays? (秋の連休)

Oh, I wish I could see my husband in his grave!

I'm sorry I can't go back to Niigata---
to your grave to pray.

I talk to you every day here in Tokyo.
Do you hear me,Darling?

I miss you so much, Darling.

(on the way to the supermarket)

on Sep.13, Sunday

2020-09-13 09:50:00 | ノンジャンル
How is the weather there?

It's cloudy now here in Tokyo.
It's not hot.

The weather forecast says it will be clear
before noon and today's high will be 31℃.

Yesterday's high was 27℃.

It was 32.5℃ on the day before yesterday.

To keep myself in perfect condition
is rather difficult.

I'm glad I'm now in good condition.


I've just finished breakfast
listening to the radio


What a peaceful time I have!

Now I'll start off on my daily work.


Have a good day, everybody.

Typhoon No.10

2020-09-06 09:32:00 | ノンジャンル
The Typhoon No.10,
one of the strongest storms
we’ve ever had, is now approaching Kyushu
In Kanto too, we’ll have torrential rains and
extremely strong winds.

I'm afraid of a power outage.

I'm afraid of a great deal of damage
to the rice crop.

May the damage be slight!

(written at 9:30a.m. on Sep.6,2020)

Come September

2020-09-01 19:59:00 | ノンジャンル
September has come!

I've been looking forward to September
when we'll have less hot days.

The highest temperature in Tokyo was 27.4℃

It was cloudy and no burning sun.
It was cooler and more pleasant in Tokyo.

But tomorrow the highest temperature in Tokyo
will be 32℃.

Anyway late summer heat is likely to continue
for a while.

Let's take good care of ourselves.


By the way, have you ever seen an American movie
'Come September’? アメリカ映画「九月になれば」

I saw the movie when I was a college student
but I've forgotten the story.

I remember only the title of the movie.


This is the calendar of September in 1981

It was painted by my daughter when she was
in the first grade at junior high school.

She belonged to the brass band and played
the alto saxophone. So she painted the saxophone?

This calendar reminds me of her schooldays!

What a fond memory!