karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on April 27, 2021

2021-04-27 17:12:00 | ノンジャンル
It was a little cold this morning,
(around 7℃, here)

It got warmer in the daytime.
(around 20℃, here)

What a big difference in temperature!

To keep ourselves in good condition
is rather difficult, isn't it?

Let's take good care of ourselves.


We are now under state of emergency
here in Tokyo. (緊急事態宣言)
This is the third time now.

I hope we can come through
the COVID-19 crisis someday.

Japan's vaccination program
got under way.

When will my turn come?

Do you stay home?

Do you work from home?

How are you getting along?

All the community centers in my city
are closed again.

I miss my classmates
in Wednesday and Friday English classes.

(on the way to my daughter's house)

on April 21, 2021

2021-04-21 22:27:00 | ノンジャンル
Beautiful day!
It was a warm day for April.

I felt as if I were in early summer.

I saw little boys and girls
wearing short-sleeved shirts.

Today we, four ladies, got together
at a nearby community center
at half past one.

We all like English so much
and we get together once a week
on Wednesday.

Today we first enjoyed talking
both in Japanese and in English.

Next we studied English grammar 話法.

Then we memorized 5 English proverbs
from タイムトライアル.

They are as follows:

★Every journey begins with one step.
★Learn by doing.
★Better late than never.
★When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
★Laughter is the best medicine.

We enjoyed studying English.
We had a good time,
laughing a lot.

on April 15, 2021

2021-04-15 22:21:00 | ノンジャンル
The weather was so nice today.

I walked along Tamagawa-josui.

The fresh green dazzled my eyes.

I saw a lady walking with a little dog.
Both the lady and the dog looked happy.

Oh, I remember those good days
when my daughter and I had our own dogs!

They came to us soon after they were born
in one of my friends' house.

They were brothers and mixed- Shiba.

My daughter and I named them Bull and Pepe.

They were kept free in the garden.

They grew up to be medium-sized dogs.

Oh, how lovely they were!

They were very good watchdogs.

Bull had a heart stroke and died at the age of 8.

Pepe lived to be 16 years old and died of old age.

My daughter and I shall never forget
those happy days we spent
with Bull and Pepe.


on April 9, 2021

2021-04-09 22:39:00 | ノンジャンル
The cherry season is over in Tokyo
and now is the season of fresh leaves.

The trees are coming into leaf.

I can't help feeling the wonders of nature.


I make it a rule to walk about 8000 steps a day.

I must admit that I'm getting older year by year.
I can't walk fast.
I can't walk with long steps.
I can't run.

Don't be discouraged, Karin!

You are happy that you can walk, Karin.

You are getting older
but you are in good condition.

Yes, I am happy
to be fully alive.

----written before going to bed at night

(a field nearby)

on April 2, 2021

2021-04-02 22:41:00 | ノンジャンル
It's too warm for April, isn't it?
The spring flowers are all in full bloom
and make us happy.

In the park nearby, little boys and girls
are playing shouting out in excitement.
What a pleasant sight!


Today I attended Friday English Class
for the first time this year.

I was so happy to see my classmates.
We were all talkative.


On March 14, I wrote about my old pen pal Anne,
worrying about her since I had not heard from her
since Christmas.

Yesterday, I received a long letter from Anne!

She was good enough to write to me.

She felt dizzy, she lost balance and had
a serious fall three months ago.

She went to see a few doctors
but nobody knew why Anne felt dizzy.

She feels dizzy even now, especially
when she bends.

She writes she does ‘sleep a lot during day
and wide awake during night’.

I hope
she recovers her strength
as soon as possible.

Cheer up, Anne!