karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

exhibition of Kunst lace

2015-02-27 12:54:00 | ノンジャンル
The other day one of my friends, who is very good at knitting,
showed us an invitations card to


She said it was a wonderful exhibition.

The word ‘kunst’ is a German word which means ‘art’
according to 広辞苑.

(I'm sorry I don't know German at all.)

Anyway I hurried to Kunitachi, where the exhibition was held,
with my friend.

Every work of 石川なごみ-san’s was amazing.

They were all so beautiful!

Her husband and daughter explained to us
how 石川なごみ-san had enjoyed and loved
‘Kunst lace’
all her life.

I was deeply impressed by their family affection.

They allowed me to take pictures for my blog.

baking bread at home

2015-02-24 11:34:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday three of us gathered at our friend's home.

She bakes delicious bread at home.

We wanted to learn how to make such delicious bread.

I listened to her carefully.
I watched her closely.
I made a note of INGREDIENTS and PROCEDURE.


How delicious the fresh-baked bread!
What an agreeable flavor!

It seems difficult for me to bake bread at home.

I enjoyed a very good time with young ladies.

Thank you so much, Ladies!

(from my handwritten note)

milk(290ml) ・ all-purpose flour(500g)・skimmed milk(10g)
yeast(8g)・ 塩こうじ(20g) ・ butter(20g)・ sugar(25g)
egg (1)


farewell lunch party

2015-02-20 22:07:00 | ノンジャンル
Today we, eight members, of Friday English Class had
a farewell lunch party for our American teacher.

The party was held at a restaurant 梅の花
near Kokubunji Station.

She has been our teacher for 5 years.

She is 42 years old. We are all over 60.

She said, “I've learned a lot of things from you.”

She is a very good teacher.

I'll miss her so.

I felt lonely.

I took a roundabout route to my apartment.

Sayonara, Cameron!

one night at a hotel in Hakone

2015-02-18 09:55:00 | ノンジャンル
A friend of mine is a member of リゾート会員券.
(Oh, I do not know its exact name.)

The day before yesterday, she invited me
to ロイヤルリゾート仙石高原 in Hakone-machi.

I met her in front of Shinjuku Station
and we boarded a bus for 山のホテル.

On the way I could see beautiful Mt. Fuji from my bus window.
Mt. Fuji always makes me happy.

We got off at the bus stop of 南仙石原.
It took us about two and a half hours to come here!
It was a long way to come.
But it was good we could come directly to the hotel.

First we had lunch at 堀よし, soba-restaurant.

箱根蕎麦 was delicious!

Then we walked here and there around the hotel.

Then we went to the hotel.

It is a small nice hotel, just like a B&B.
Our tatami-room and bedroom were large and clean.
The hot spring was good.
The meals were delicious.

My friend and I enjoyed talking and relaxed with watching TV.

The next morning, I mean ‘yesterday’, it was snowing
and we decided to go back to Tokyo.

I wished I could go to 芦ノ湖, which my husband took
our daughter and me on March 1 in 1970.

He loved driving and he was a very good driver.
On that day it was snowing and he drove over 東名高速道路.

Oh, I remember an old picture of my husband and daughter
taken at the lake. My daughter, 2 years old, was sitting on the
hood, I remember.

I'd like to visit 芦ノ湖 next time.

Anyway, we enjoyed one night stay at a hotel in Hakone-machi.

Thank you so much, Hisako-san.

different cultures

2015-02-14 16:16:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday in Friday English Class at Kominkan
we read about “Cultural misunderstandings.”

I was surprised to know in Korea it is very important
to know his/ her age when you talk to someone.

So it is not rude to ask how old he/ she is
when you've met him/her for the first time.

When he/she is older than you only by one year,
you have to use honorific words.

To know your friend's age is very important in Korea.

In our English class we call each other by our first name.
We call our teacher by her first name, too.

But in Korea if your friend is older than you only by one year
you'd better not call him/her by his/her first name.

So many countries, so many cultures.

Our American teacher brought us a box of chocolates.
She said in Japanese, "これ ともちょこです”