karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Being is Believing

2007-08-31 23:21:43 | ノンジャンル
Every morning except Sunday I make it a rule
to listen to the radio English program,
Tidbits in English, preparing my breakfast.

In the program this morning, I heard a hit song,
Flashdance・・・What a Feeling, a theme song
of a movie Flashdance.

I have never seen the movie.
But I have heard the song.

I like the song very much.
I like its words very much.
Every word in its song encourages me.

Yes, being is believing.

(at Koushu-Zenkouji Temple)

koharu's summer

2007-08-29 22:42:31 | ノンジャンル
koharu, my 7-year-old granddaughter, was born
with soft, weak muscles.

A doctor told us it would be difficult for her to hold
her head erect. He also told us it would be difficult
for her to walk, because the muscles of her legs
did not become firm.

Besides, there was something wrong with her ear.
She was taken to the hospital and had two operations
for her ear

How excited we were when koharu lifted up her head!
How grateful we felt when we saw koharu stand on her feet!

Now koharu is very happy this summer.
Her ear doctor allowed her to swim.
She went to a swimming pool and enjoyed playing in the water
for the first time in her life.
(Of course, she can't swim yet. )

Her muscles are getting firmer.
She now practices riding a bicycle.

(koharu on a bicycle, today)

(koharu's cotton ball, today)

summer green along Tamagawa-josui

2007-08-26 21:54:10 | ノンジャンル
Today was a very busy Sunday for me.
My daughter was so busy and I helped her
with some household chores.

I went to the super market twice.
I went to DIY stores twice.
I walked and walked.
My pedometer showed that I walked 18957 steps.

I worked up a good sweat.
It was hot but the wind made me comfortable.
I enjoyed summer green of Tamagawa-josui.

( summer green ofTamagawa-josui )

( bushes growing under trees )

yesterday and today--not hot days

2007-08-24 22:21:34 | ノンジャンル
It was not so hot yesterday.
I went to the community center
to practice playing the harmonica.

I did not sweat at all.
In the evening I saw beautiful sunset clouds
when I was walking back to my apartment.

The temperature today was higher than yesterday.
I had various errands to do today and walked
about 10000 steps.

In the evening we had a sudden shower of rain.
I was afraid my grandson was caught in the shower.

He went to M City to learn how to do a pantomime.
Probably he was on his way home at that time.

I know he is a boy who likes walking in the rain.

( yesterday's sunset clouds )

( before having a shower, today )

heat wave

2007-08-22 21:25:45 | ノンジャンル
Awfully hot, isn't it?
How do you all bear this terrible heat wave?

I think the most important thing is to have
a good sleep at night.

I don't mind sweating all over in the daytime.
I drink a lot of liquids.
I have three meals, though they are not balanced meals.

Anyway I'm very fine in spite of this awful heat wave.
I'm surprised that I am not afraid of this summer heat.

koharu put some seeds of cotton plants in the ground
before summer.

Only one of them came out.
And now it has flowers!

( koharu's cotton flower )

( today's sky )