karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

last day of June

2005-06-30 22:18:05 | ノンジャンル
Time flies and a half year of 2005 has passed. What have I done? The most unexpected occurrence was that I had my left ankle broken.

I enjoyed my quiet days and I started "karin's English writing." When I felt I was almost all right, I decided to make 99 articles ( from Feb.10- to May 30 ) into a bound volume.

The book is very nice. It will always remind me of my break and I will be careful not to fall. There is nothing useless in life, I think.

gardenia, kuchinashi in Japanese

2005-06-29 13:53:13 | ノンジャンル
The seasonal rain front brought heavy rains and caused floods in Niigata. I'm from Niigata.

They are enduring disaster after disaster--bad floods after the typhoon in July last, a big earthquake in October last, the heaviest snowfall in these 19 years and again serious floods. May God help those honest people!

When I got up this morning, it was raining hard here in Kodaira, Tokyo. It was a welcome rain. All the plants seemed happy.

I went for a walk with a camera and took a picture of gardenia, kuchinashi in Japanese. This flower awakens one of my sweet memories.

hottest day in June

2005-06-28 18:08:44 | ノンジャンル
Today is the hottest day on the record in June. The thermometer has recorded 36.2 ℃ in the center of Tokyo. I'm sweating all over. Nobody is walking along the Tamagawa-josui.

This is the picture of today's Tamagawa-josui which my apartment looks to.

a big tree

2005-06-27 18:45:14 | ノンジャンル
I saw a very big tree with a lot of big flowers. It stood solitarily and majestically. The flowers were white and pure. They were very big and noble. It is a kind of magnolia, and is named taisan-boku in Japanese..

a dog on a lady's back

2005-06-24 23:43:35 | ノンジャンル
On my way home I was surprised to see a lady carrying her dog on her back. The she-dog was called Nana-chan and she was a homeless dog ten years ago.

The lady felt sorry for the dog and took her home. Nana-chan likes to see cars running on the street on the lady's back, just as a baby does. She likes coffee, too! The lady allowed me to take Nana-can's picture.