karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

future prime minister

2005-10-31 22:29:56 | ノンジャンル
17 gentlemen and 2 ladies were appointed as the third Koizumi Cabinet members. Prime Minister Koizumi said that he appointed the right man in the right place.

I hope they will do their best, anyway. I hope they will not take the easiest way but will take the best way for our future, our children's future and our grandchildren's future.

Who will be a prime minister after Koizumi-san ? Abe-san ? Aso-san? Tanigaki-san? Nobody can tell who.

Maehara-san, leader of Democratic Party of Japan, may come into power. The two-party system in political power is necessary, I think.

This is the season of Yuzu--I don't know what it is called in English.

Happy Birthday, Koharu !

2005-10-28 23:15:27 | ノンジャンル
Do you know how happy I was to hear the news? I was working in Niigata at that time. I was waiting for a phone call. The phone rang at last. I got it and knew that a girl was born. 

How exciting to have another grandchild! Your mother had a Caesarean again. Your brother was five years and seven months old then.

6 years have passed since that day. You've grown into a lovely, kind girl who likes playing dolls--dressing dolls, naming dolls and making a good story for dolls. You like drawing. You like playing the piano.

You love nature so much. You love every living creatures. You like and gather smooth stones. Yes, you find delight in the mysteries of earth, sea and sky. You have the Sense of Wonder, I believe.

I hope you will get stronger and will not mind it, even if some boys and girls may tease you by saying that you are a very slow runner. Always know that you are loved by karin.

impressive words

2005-10-25 21:39:57 | ノンジャンル
What a lovely day! Today I visited Showa Kinen Park with a friend of mine. It was more crowded and noisier than I had expected.

There were a lot of groups of little children and pupils coming to Showa Kinen Park for school excursions. All of them looked so happy, enjoying talking to each other.

But teachers looked very busy. Some teachers were shouting to make them stop talking. Others were running to catch pupils going in the wrong way.

To tell the truth, my friend I wanted to savor the tranquility of nature here in Showa Kinen Park. So we enjoyed walking where we could see few people walking. Yes, Showa Kinen Park is very, very large.

Half of cosmoses in the flower gardens had withered up. A gentleman was taking pictures of withered cosmoses with a camera settled on a tripod. My friend and I wondered why he took withered cosmoses.

We went to him and I said to him, "Excuse me, but I wonder if you know there are other flower gardens where almost all cosmoses are in full bloom. They are very beautiful."

His answer was very impressive. I shall not forget his words as long as I live. He said, "Yes, I know. Flowers in full bloom are not always beautiful. These withered flowers are sometimes more beautiful than those in full bloom. Everything is beautiful when it is dying."

good old song 'hurusato'

2005-10-23 18:22:56 | ノンジャンル
It was a very exciting day. The community center festival was held today. The harmonica circle I belong to joined the festival.

Before a big audience we played four songs on the harmonica. The four songs were humoresque by Dvorak, medley of Russian folk songs, medley of Japanese enka and a good old Japanese song 'hurusato.'

Our harmonica-playing charmed the audience, I thought. All the audience sang the last song 'hurusato' in a loud voice to our harmonica-playing. Each of them must have been thinking of his good old days in his own hometown.

Playing the harmonica, I was thinking of my last day of my high school days. After the graduation ceremony three of my classmates and I sang this song 'hurusato,' watching Mt. Sumon, a high mountain covered with snow.

We promised to meet again some day in the future. 44 years have passed but the promise has not been carried out yet. I'm very sorry to say that one of them has already been dead.