karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

general election

2005-08-31 17:46:57 | ノンジャンル
I have never abstained from any voting so far since I was given voting right. However, it seemed nothing changed at all, no matter who or which party I voted for.

But this time I'm excited at the Sept. 11 Lower House election. This election is easy to understand and I feel as if it were a direct election, national referendum.

Who will come into power? Koizumi or Okada?

Prime minister Koizumi says the postal privatization will lead to other structural reforms. Okada, the representative of the Democratic Party, says this is a chance for them to come into power and change Japan.

Main issues are the postal privatization, pension reform, fiscal reconstruction, foreign relations and the declining birthrate and ageing population.

Let's go to the polls and make a choice.

love is everything

2005-08-29 15:03:45 | ノンジャンル
When my class was over, one of my students came over to me and suddenly said to me, "What do you think is the most important in life, if you have to choose only one thing, Mrs. karin?"

She was a silent, gentle and very diligent girl. She read a lot of books. She would not speak to anyone in the classroom. I was afraid that she had no good classmates in those days. She was a little shy. She answered every question I asked her very clearly---in a loud voice. I knew she wanted to enjoy talking.

Have you decided your answer? I said to her, "Well, we could not live without air. But I'd like to say 'love' is the most important to live out our life. Do you love someone? Have you ever loved someone? Love will make your life brighten. This is my answer. Is it OK?" She smiled at me and said, "Thank you, Mrs.karin, I love you."

I often remember her, who must be now 28 years old. I hope she lives a happy life.

foreign language schools

2005-08-27 22:58:24 | ノンジャンル
I know I am very weak in listening and speaking English. I have never attended any foreign language schools in my life. I always wish I could be fluent in English.

Today I visited three foreign language schools, GEOS, ECC, and NOVA. They were all kind enough to explain to me about their schools. I thought any of those three schools would be OK if I had a strong will to learn.

But the trouble is that it will cost too much money. I realized it was impossible for a pensioner to attend any language school.

tour to Noto Peninsula

2005-08-26 13:29:41 | ノンジャンル
Ten days have passed since I wrote here last. My broken computer has not come back to me yet. I'm very sorry that I can't take in pictures in this old computer I've borrowed from my daughter.

On August 18, I flew to Komatsu Airport,Ishikawa-ken, from Haneda, Tokyo. I joined a three-days-tour to the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa-ken. It was a very nice tour.

I enjoyed beautiful pastoral landscapes and beautiful colours of the Japan Sea. Kenroke-en Park was amazing. It is one of the most famous and beautiful gardens in Japan.

I was excited when I walked around the morning market held in Wajima. It was full of activity. Yes, things were humming at that morning market.

How excited I was when I finally arrived at the very top of the Noto Peninsula, Rokko-saki (Rokko Cape), after climbing a little steep hill. It was a cliff 46 meters above sea level. There was a white lighthouse. I cried,"Wow! Here I'm standing on the northern end of Noto Peninsula!"

I saw high steep rocks, huge rocks, lofty rocks or caves of rocks in the sea. Our bus drove along the saw-toothed coastline. I had a wonderful time.

I flew back to Haneda from Noto Airport, which opened last year. It was a very small airport.

How about visiting Noto Peninsula?


2005-08-16 23:10:52 | ノンジャンル
When I was doing some housework, I felt dizzy and sat down. Looking out of the window, I saw electric wires were swaying from side to side. I knew there was a big earthquake somewhere.

It was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, which hit the Tohoku area, the northeastern region of Honshu. The news surprised me that the ceiling of a newly built indoor swimming pool collapsed. Why?

I pray all the injured in the earthquake will be all right.