karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Mt. Shiroyama

2011-04-30 23:46:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Ms. Y and I climbed Mt. Shiroyama
after an interval of 5 months.

Mt. Shiroyama is 670 meters high.
Mt. Shiroyama always welcomes us.
Mt. Shiroyama is one of my favorite mountains.

There were many hikers at the top of Mt. Shiroyama.
We had onigiri with nameko-miso-soup there.

What a wonderful world!
I breathed in deeply.

"I am grateful for everything," I said to myself.

Showa Kinen Park in spring (1)

2011-04-27 09:51:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday YM-san, a friend of mine in Niigata, visited me.

We had lunch at a restaurant in Isetan Department Store
in Tachikawa.

Both of us likes to walk very much.
We enjoyed walking and talking in Showa Kinen Park.

Cherry blossoms were gone but we were happy to see
a lot of lovely flowers.

I love Showa Kinen Park in every season.

オオデマリ welcomed us at the gate.


koharu and I on Sunday

2011-04-25 21:37:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu's mother has been busy practicing playing
the saxophone these days.

She is going to perform with T Brass Band next month.

koharu's mother went to see other members
of T Brass Band yesterday.

koharu's father went to work.

koharu's brother went to school to join the brass
band club, though it was Sunday.

koharu and I took a long walk in the sunshine.

koharu and I enjoyed talking a lot.

koharu, a 6th grader, is already a grown-up.

(pink hana-mizuki, dogwood)

time is passing on

2011-04-22 23:44:00 | ノンジャンル
The cherry blossom season is passing
and the season of fresh green is coming
in Tokyo.

Time is passing on.
Time is said to heal everything.

But time goes very slowly in the devastated
Tohoku coast.

Hurry up to give those people living in shelters
aid and comfort, please.

Ah, if only there were some ways to get over
the nuclear crisis!

It's Friday today and I attended Friday English Class.

We read two articles published by Yokota Air Base.

One was about

"Yokota UH-1 pilot who shares his experience
on relief mission".

The pilot is our teacher's husband!

The other article was from "Tomodachi Times"titled:

Commentary: "Thank You" not necessary;
U.S. forces honored to help reopen Sendai

I was deeply moved by these two articles.

Our teacher brought us Easter chocolate again.