karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the last weekend in November (2)

2017-11-27 22:32:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, Mrs. M and I went to Mitsui Memorial Museum,
三井記念美術館, at Nihonbashi, Tokyo.

We enjoyed 
特別展 驚異の超絶技巧!明治工芸から現代アートへ,
Amazing Craftsmanship! From Meiji Kogei to Contemporary Art.

We enjoyed works of 七宝・木彫・金工・漆工・陶磁・刺繍絵画.

Every work displayed there
was really Amazing!

Meiji Kogei and Contemporary Art
have something in common---
Amazing Craftsmanship!

Mrs. M and I were overwhelmed
by every artist’s creativity.

Mrs. M and I said,
“Every artist is a genius.”

We had a very good time.

Thank you so much, Mrs. M.

the last weekend in November (1)

2017-11-27 20:32:00 | ノンジャンル
On Nov.25, Saturday, a friend of mine gave
me a phone call and we decided to go to
Showa Kinen Park in Tachikawa.

It was my first visit to Showa Kinen Park this year.

When did I visit the park last?
Maybe last spring--- in 2016!

I used to visit it every season of the year.

My friend and I started to walk from 立川口.

There were a lot of people coming to the park.

It was such a lovely day that they wanted
to stay and play outdoors, I thought.

We had おにぎり-lunch in みんなの原っぱ
looking at boys and girls playing there.

After おにぎり-lunch, we enjoyed walking to

Then we walked back to

We talked a lot in a relaxed way.
What a comfortable time we had!

I do love Showa Kinen Park.

to be 75

2017-11-22 22:03:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, I'm surprised
I've lived to be 75!

Last week, three of my good friends
baked a birthday cake for me.

They gave me a very good NZ wine too.

The cake is named “Opera”
after オペラ座 in Paris, France.

Thank you so much, Ladies!

On Nov. 19, my daughter and her family
had a birthday party for me.

We enjoyed NZ wine and Sushi.

I was glad to have an appetite.
I did enjoy some of Sushi!

They made me happy with their beautiful
birthday song in a vocal quartete.

Thank you so much, my dearest ones!

I can't believe I am 75 years old.

How time flies!

Actually, I don't like to be called 後期高齢者.

my father's 書

2017-11-18 09:57:00 | ノンジャンル
My father passed away 40 years ago
at the age of 70.

My father used to be a famous calligrapher
in my hometown.

Last week my sister sent me some of his works,
which were written over 40 years ago.

I presented 7 of them to my American teacher
of our Friday English Class.

I attached a paper of explanation to each
of his works---

the letters written on it,
hiragana to show how to read the letters
and its meaning in English.

The American teacher was excited to see my father's
works and looked deeply impressed by them.

She was so excited that she gave me a big hug.

I was very glad
she loved my father's calligraphy.

I asked her to take these 書 to America
when she leaves Japan.

She said, "Of course I wll, and show them to many
of my friends."

空(そら) sky
月(つき) moon
水(みず) water
福(ふく) happiness, good luck
天高(てんたかく) raising high into the sky

Never forget your original intention.

the straight path of sincerity

koharu has a severe headache.

2017-11-13 14:33:00 | ノンジャンル
It was very cold this morning.

I went to my daughter's house
to make sure the house was locked.

When I entered the front door,
I was surprised to see my daughter.

Why didn't she go to university?
What happened? I wondered.

“koharu has a severe headache and is now
sleeping in bed. I've decided to be absent
from the seminar today. I stay at home and
study here,” said my daughter.

I always take things seriously.

I'm worrying about koharu's headache.

What a relief
her mother stays with koharu!

On my way back
the autumn sky lifted my spirits.

Take it easy, karin.

Koharu will soon be all right.