karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Dec. 28, 2020

2020-12-28 13:29:00 | ノンジャンル
The year 2020 is ending.

Only three days remain until the new year starts!

How are you getting along?
Are you busy preparing for the new year?

I’m looking back over the past months.

The year 2020 has been controlled by COVID-19.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed our life.

Let's try to stay positive.

Let's believe the vaccine will protect us
against COVID-19.

Thanks for cultivating our friendship
by means of blogs.

I wish you all
a Happy New Year!

a heavy snowfall

2020-12-17 22:43:00 | ノンジャンル
Owing to a typical winter pressure pattern,
here in Tokyo, we’ve had beautiful weather
lately but in my hometown in Niigata,
they have had a heavy snowfall.

What a big difference!

My elder sister lives by herself in my hometown.
I hope she is all right in spite of heavy snow.

The problem is that almost all the neighbors
are elderly people.

My sister was lucky to be able to ask a neighbor
to remove the snow in front of her house every day.

I love to see snow scenes
but I know it is rather tough
to live with snow.

Stay safe and well, Sister!

(in the neighborhood, today)

my latest news

2020-12-10 13:48:00 | ノンジャンル
It's already December 10!
10 days have passed since I posted here last.
Time flies before I know.

How have I been?
I've been pretty good,not busy at all.

On Dec. 6, I had a wonderful experience.
I attended an open online lecture about
arranged by 理化学研究所iTHEMS
and アカデミスト株式会社.

The lecture was too difficult for me to understand
but I was interested in the lecture.

This was my first experience
to attend the online lecture on ZOOM.


I go to see my doctor once a month
to check my blood pressure.

On Dec. 8, my blood pressure was 140—80.
My doctor said that it was a little high
and that I should improve my diet.

I don't mind it at all. I like salty food.
I'm afraid I can't change my way of diet.


On Dec.4, I attended Friday English Class
and enjoyed talking with our American teacher
in English

We used to have Friday English class
4 times a month but now we have only twice a month.

We, ten members, are all getting old year by year.
Our average age is 74 or so.

We are never too old
to learn!

December 1, 2020

2020-12-01 22:47:00 | ノンジャンル
It's December already.
How quickly time flies!

It was very cold in the morning today.
But it was sunny with no wind in the daytime.
It was warm for the beginning of December.

In November we had warmer days than usual.
According to the weather forecast,
we'll have colder days than usual in December.
I'm afraid we'll have a heavy snowfall this winter,

The COVID-19 crises makes me uneasy.
More and more people are in a serious condition.
I'm worrying about the collapse of medical service.

I'm afraid I'm a natural worrier.

(in the neighborhood, this morning)