karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

nice view of Tokyo

2011-12-26 00:32:00 | ノンジャンル
Last night I stayed overnight at koharu’s house
and we had a wonderful time.

I came back to my apartment early this morning.

It was very cold outside.

The sky was so blue!

I saw frost columns on the ground.

I hurried to Shinjuku to meet Ms. M.

M-san: “Where shall we go?”

karin: “Anyway, let’s walk, shall we?
Let’s enjoy walking in the sun. ”

We walked on and on.

M-san: “Shall we go to the Observatory of 都庁?”

Karin: “Oh, it’s a good idea. Yes, let’s.”

We enjoyed a nice view of Tokyo from The South Observatory
of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.(都庁の南展望台)

Do you see Tokyo Sky Tree?

Do you see Mt.Fuji?

May the New year bring us all---
good health, happiness and contentment!

Showa Kinen Park on Christmas Eve

2011-12-25 11:10:00 | ノンジャンル
Showa Kinen Park is my favorite park.

I often go there alone and spend my time
watching happy people, which makes me
so happy.

But I had never seen Christmas lights there
and yesterday, on Christmas Eve, I visited
Showa Kinen Park with one of my neighbors
to see Christmas lights.

After enjoying Christmas lights, my neighbor and I
had a Christmas dinner at a restaurant.

Today I’m going to koharu’s house, spend Christmas
and stay overnight with koharu.

Do you see Mt. Fuji?

Wow, there were Christmas markets!

This Christmas tree is made of wine glasses.

(lovely Christmas lights)

Christmas Concert at church

2011-12-23 21:16:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I had an appointment with my hairdresser.
I went to her at 11 in the morning.

Then I hurried to Kokubunji.
I had no time to take lunch.

I attended a wonderful Christmas concert
at a church in Kokubunji.

One of my friends in Wednesday English Class
invited to the concert.

The concert was held in a large chapel.
It was full of people when I arrived there.

It was a violin and harp concert.

The violinist, トロイ・グーギンズ, is a Japanese-American.
The harpist, 東海林 悦子, usually plays the harp in France.

Their performance was a deeply affecting one.
I did enjoy the concert.

They performed the following pieces of music.

1.バッハ   「G線上のアリア」
2.ヘンデル  「シバの女王の入場」
3.シュポア  「ヴァイオリンとハープのためのソナタ ハ短調
4.バリッシュ・アルヴァース  「セレナーデ」
6.モンティ  「チャルダッシュ」

1. サンサース 「ヴァイオリンとハープのためのファンタジー」
2. サンサース 「白鳥」
3. ドビッシー 「小舟にて」
4. アッセルマン「泉」
5. マスネ   「タイスの瞑想曲」
6. アダム   「オー・ホーリー・ナイト」
7. シューベルト「アヴェ・マリア」

Lastly, we all sang “Silent Night.”

one-day bus tour to Tokyo German Village

2011-12-19 00:20:00 | ノンジャンル
Before writing about my one-day bus tour,
I have to write about today’s big news.

The announcement of the sudden death of
Kim Jong Il surprised us all.

I heard the news around 1:00p.m.

I wonder what will happen next in North Korea.

I hope something good will happen
under the successor.


On Saturday, the day before yesterday,
I joined a one-day bus tour・・・ alone.

I soon made friends with a few ladies.
We enjoyed talking, eating and walking.
It was just “a once-in-a-lifetime chance.”
I did not ask their names.

The destination was Country Farm Tokyo German Village.
It is a theme park in Sodegaura in Chiba Pref.

On the way we stopped at Umihotaru.

Do you see Mt.Fuji?

Then we had lunch at a 浜焼きrestaurant in Tomiura.

After lunch we enjoyed daffodils in Kyonan.
They were so lovely.

Tokyo German Village was crowded with holiday

I heard its winter illumination was designated
as 2011夜景遺産.

It was the first time I visited 東京ドイツ村 in Chiba.

I’m sorry I am not good at taking pictures of night views.

I had a very good day.

I walked 12614 steps in a day.

What a beautiful day!

2011-12-18 09:36:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day we have every day in Tokyo!
I'll dry the laundry outdoors.

I know it has been snowing in Niigata these days.

I remember how hard it was to clear away the snow
and go to work by car.

I felt so sick in the morning that I could not go to work
by bus or by train.

I hope they will not have too heavy a snowfall in Niigata.

Enjoying sunny days in Tokyo, I’m thinking of Niigata in snow.
