karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

clear skies

2008-07-24 22:39:02 | ノンジャンル
This is the hottest summer since I came to live in Tokyo.
What a hot day! I had many things to do, which forced me
to walk 14000 steps.

The summer sky was very beautiful.
I think I will go back to my vacant house in Niigata
tomorrow or on Saturday.

See you next week.


2008-07-22 17:11:42 | ノンジャンル
Today I've finished reading ANNE of GREEN GABLES
in Official 100th Anniversary Edition.

It is really a wonderful book.
I love it.

The book is full of hope, love, friendship, imagination
and the beautiful scenery of GREEN GABLES.

I laughed aloud while reading.
koharu asked me why.

I sometimes brushed the tears away.
koharu asked me why.

There were a lot of impressive expressions.
I marked them with a green pen, so that I could
read them again.

(karin reading the book--drawn by koaru)

(the last chapter--The Bend in the Road)

(today's photo)

concert only for me

2008-07-19 10:21:24 | ノンジャンル
It's Saturday today and I have plenty of time.
I've had a very busy week.

I was tired and my spirits were drooping last evening
when I visited my grandchildren.

They had a concert for me in their studio.
My granddaughter, koharu, played my favorite song
'Country Road' on the piano, then on the recorder, for me.
Her playing made me happy and cheerful.

My grandson played jazz music 'Mornin' on the piano.
My granddaughter koharu and I stood up and tapped out
the beat. It might be a joyful sight. I was excited!
Jazz is really wonderful.

I felt refreshed in mind and body.
Thank you very much, Grandchildren.
I love you so much.

(their music studio)

(green bushes around here)

(blue sky)

to Mt. Kagenobu-yama

2008-07-12 21:05:58 | ノンジャンル
I got up very early this morning
and hurried to JR Takao Station,
where Mrs. Y was waiting for me.
There were many hikers in front of the station.

Today Mrs. Y and I climbed Mt. Kagenobu-yama,
which is 727 meters high.
We went up a sharp rise in the mountain trail.

Today turned out to be the hottest day in this season.
Sweat was oozing from every pore.
I drank two PET bottles of water.

I did my best and felt pleasantly tired.