karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Friday English Class

2010-02-26 23:28:00 | ノンジャンル
I had a very good time in Friday English Class today.

First, each of us told about our days since last class.
We had no class on Feb. 19.

I always feel that English makes us frank.
We are talking about very personal feelings or opinions.

I'm sorry I don't have any chance to talk with native
speakers of English other than Friday English Class
in the Kominkan.

Then, we had a tea break.

Our American teacher brought us a box of Valentine chocolate.
We enjoyed delicious chocolate.

After tea break we read a short story in a book of Chicken Soup.
It was a story of life-changing lesson.
I could not read it without tears.

first wind of spring

2010-02-25 23:01:00 | ノンジャンル
Spring has come.
Spring weather has arrived.
Spring flowers are all coming out.

A very strong wind blew in the evening.
koharu's bicycle fell over in the wind.

I had a busy day.
I walked 10649 steps in the gale--
of course not for walking but for doing various
small chores.

(koharu's Crocus)

(on the way to the community center)

half day Hato Bus tour

2010-02-22 14:28:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Ms. M and I met on the Chuo Line platform
of Tokyo Station around 11:00 in the morning.

We had promised to have lunch somewhere in Ginza.

"It's very fine today. How about walking in the sunshine?"
I said to her.

She said yes, and we decided to join Afternoon Hato Bus tour.

The sightseeing spots were the Imperial Palace, Asakusa
and Tokyo Tower.

We have visited these three big sightseeing spots before.

But it is good to visit these spots again.
We enjoyed walking and talking a lot.

We said good bye after having a big dinner.

I walked 13090 steps.

This type of cars will disappear next month.
Many people were taking pictures of this train

first harmonica volunteering in 2010

2010-02-18 22:43:00 | ノンジャンル
I open my shutter at seven every morning.
It may sound it is rather late.

Those who live in each side of my room get up late
in the morning, so I think I'd better be silent until
seven o'clock.

This morning when I opened the shutter, I was surprised
to see the ground covered with snow.

I went to the post office to give a donation to Haiti.

Then I hurried to the community center to practice
the harmonica.

In the afternoon we, 12 members, went to a special
nursing home for the aged and played 15 songs
on the harmonica.

Elderly people there sang loudly to our harmonica.
They looked happy.
I was happy to see them.

We had a changeable weather today.
In the morning it was snowing.
The weather began to clear before noon.
Then the sun began to shine in the afternoon.

I admired the moon in the evening.

(on the way to the community center, this morning)

(ume, this morning)

(at the senior home)

(the moon I saw in the evening, at 5:41)

(songs we played on the harmonica)

one-day bus tour to Bousou-hantou (2)

2010-02-14 23:01:00 | ノンジャンル
After lunch we went to Tomiura
for picking spring flowers, poppies.

On the way to Tomiura I saw flowers of aloe
for the first time.

Then we enjoyed strawberry-picking.
We were allowed to pick and eat strawberries
for 30 minutes.

To tell the truth, I was afraid of eating strawberries
without washing.

The sea I saw on the shore of Tomiura was a cold winter sea.

On the way back I saw Tokyo Tower from my bus window.

The weather was not good but I did have a nice day.