karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Nov. 26, 2021

2021-11-26 11:56:00 | ノンジャンル
Not a cloud is to be seen in the sky.

What a beautiful day!

I walked to my daughter's house humming
and looking up at the sky.

I couldn't help feeling thankful for everything.


By the way, my daughter bought a toy---
Amazon Alexa,
which is a smart speaker.

Alexa speaks, sings and answers my questions!
Alexa is an AI toy.

What an interesting toy it is!

Have you heard of Alexa?

(near my apartment)

( the toy Alexa)

(written around noon, today)

on Nov. 21, 2021

2021-11-21 13:06:00 | ノンジャンル
It's Sunday today.

I spent Sunday morning listening to the radio
----dozing from time to time.

I'm sorry I'm getting forgetful these days.
Besides my memory is failing.

Are these signs of dementia? (認知症)

I became 79 years old on Nov. 17.

My American pen pal Anne sent me a birthday card.

It made me so happy.

Thank you so much,
Anne, my pen pal!

on Nov. 15, 2021

2021-11-15 12:48:00 | ノンジャンル
We are now in the best part of autumn, aren’t we?

We've had a week of clear weather.

Beautiful blue skies and colored autumn leaves
make me happy. How peaceful!

How are you enjoying your autumn days?


Yesterday I went to Kokubunji to buy NHK radio English
textbooks―「英会話タイムトライアル」and 「ラジオ英会話」.

I like these textbooks very much.

Do you listen to any radio English programs?

I've been listening to the program 「ラジオ英会話」
since I was a high school girl---for 63 years!

I do like English, but I'm sorry to say I am still
a poor speaker of English.

(written around noon, today)

on Nov. 8, 2021

2021-11-08 20:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Time really flies!

A month has passed
since I went to see my doctor last.

Today I went to him
to get my blood pressure measured.

The doctor said to me,
“Do you measure your blood pressure at home?”

“No, never,” I said
and the doctor told me to follow his advice.

Today's my blood pressure was 130—80. Good!

The doctor asked me if I had a good appetite.

I wondered if I looked thinner than before.

Yes, I have a very good appetite.

It was just a few minutes we talked,
though I wanted to talk with him much longer.


When I go to see the doctor, I always think of
my husband, who was a doctor but passed away
when he was 33 years old.

If only he were alive!