karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

'Golden Week' holidays

2005-05-02 12:10:07 | ノンジャンル
I have no plans for 'Golden Week' holidays this year. To tell the truth, I have nothing to do with 'Golden Week' holidays.

I retired five years ago, came to Tokyo and live alone in the apartment now. I have a good deal of time at my own disposal. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want to. As for my daily life, everything is dependent on my own decision.

Wherever you may go, you will be involved in a traffic jam and a dense crowd. You will have to line up before a restaurant or a pavilion if you visit Aichi Expo.

But I know you will have a wonderful time, however tired you may feel. You will enjoy yourselves to the full by breaking your routine, everyday life. So, however tired you may feel, you will feel completely refreshed.

How did I spend ' Golden Week' holidays last year ? I am now reading notebook again, which I wrote last year.

On April 29, I visited my daughter and took my little granddaughter to the park which we often visited. I had lunch with her family. I had a very peaceful day.

Next day I went for a hike and enjoyed walking about Mt. Shiroyama and Mt. Takao. My friend and I were sweating all over.

On May 1, I went to work as a volunteer. That day I taught Japanese to a very clever Korean boy who was 12 years old.

On May 2, I visited my daughter again and took care of my grandchildren. On May 6, I was climbing Mt. Takao again! How active I was last year!

I hope I'll soon be all right and be as vivid and active as before.