karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2018-03-31 21:38:00 | ノンジャンル
Today was a perfect day for お花見.

There is a back street called 桜通り
near my apartment.

さくらまつり was held here in the 桜通り

I went to the festival
and enjoyed a short parade
and bright music performed
by local junior high school students.

Many people were gathering there.

They all looked happy.

I do love the excitement of the festival.

There was a street stall with a banner
復興支援 福島応援隊.

At the stall I bought the following goods
for my daughter's family.

The wind sometimes drifted the fallen petals.

How nice to enjoy さくらまつり
with flower petals fluttering in the air!

What a hot day!

2018-03-29 20:25:00 | ノンジャンル
It's March 29 today.

The temperature rose to 25℃
here in Kodaira, Tokyo.

Oh, what a hot day for March!

Today was the first official
“summer day” of the year.

I'm awfully afraid about what is going to
happen this summer —

I'm afraid of the fierce heat of summer.

Am I worrying about the future needlessly?

to Roppongi and Ueno Park

2018-03-24 23:17:00 | ノンジャンル
Today Mrs. M and I went to
Suntory Museum of Art
in 東京ミッドタウン, 六本木.

We enjoyed the exhibition of 「寛永文化」titled

It was a quiet and elegant world.

We were not allowed to take any pictures.

Around three we went to Ueno Park
to view cherry blossoms.

They were in full bloom.

A number of people were enjoying 花見.

Everybody was smiling.

What a peaceful scene!

We had a wonderful day.

Thank you so much, Mrs. M!

Will it snow tomorrow?

2018-03-20 22:25:00 | ノンジャンル
According to the TV weather report,
it will snow here in Tama area.

The other day we had a hot day
as if it were the beginning of summer.

It was cold today and I went out
wearing my winter coat.

I'm worried about this unusual weather.

I'm worried about frequent earthquakes
or recent volcanic activities.

Do I take things too seriously?

I see spring flowers in bloom sweetly.

Cherry blossoms will soon be in full bloom.

Spring has returned, I believe.

celebrating my daughter's birthday

2018-03-11 21:25:00 | ノンジャンル
How quickly time flies!

The day has come again.

Today is my daughter's 50th birthday.

I can't believe 50 years have passed
since she was born.

I can't believe 44 years have passed
since my husband passed away.

I feel as if everything had happened
only yesterday.

I'm now thinking of my good old days
--on your 50th birthday.

I love you so, dear.

Happy Birthday, Daughter!