karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Arcimboldo's world

2017-06-26 15:38:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, Mrs. M and I met at the Koen gate (公園口)
of Ueno Station.

It was a month since we met last.

This time we went to the National Museum of Western
Art, Tokyo (国立西洋美術館).

Mrs. M and I enjoyed Giuseppe Arcimbold's world.

He was born in 1526 and died in 1593 in Milan, Italy.

(Oh, I remember the days I visited Milan twice!)

In 1562 he became a court painter (宮廷画家)
in the Holy Roman Empire (神聖ローマ帝国).

To tell the truth, I didin't know his name, nor his works.

His paintings Are Full of Wonders!

I'm sorry I can't explain how wonderful they are
in my poor English.

Please visit the following, if you please.


Art is long; life is short.

Mrs. M and I had a very good time.

we enjoyed walking アメヤ横丁, too.

Thank you so much, Mrs. M!

community café, さくら喫茶 in Kominkan

2017-06-23 21:17:00 | ノンジャンル
It's 4th Friday in June and I had no Friday English Class.

Around 10 a.m. I went to my daughter's house
to check that all the doors were locked.

Then I walked about 15 minutes to a large
super market and bought something to eat
for lunch and supper.

On the way back I stopped in at Kominkan (公民館),
where four ladies started a community café
last September, as one of volunteer activities.

The café is open on the 2nd and 4th Friday—
twice a month.

When I went to the café, several young ladies
were enjoying talking together and a few old men
were looking happily at them.

One of the ladies in charge of the café said to me,

“Those gentlemen live alone.
They say they feel very lonely
at home.
They say they are happy to see many people here.”

You can drink coffee, English tea or green tea
for 100 yen---with some sweets.

I ordered a cup of English tea.
I enjoyed talking to volunteers.

(on the way to my apartment)

to Yasukuni Jinja

2017-06-12 22:07:00 | ノンジャンル
Last Saturday, Ms. Y invited me to go
to Yasukuni Jinja 靖国神社 with her.

Her father was killed in the second World War.

She has never seen her father.

Her father died somewhere in Philippines.

She visited Philippines twice to see her father's
battle front.

She is an only child.

Her mother always used to say to her,

” You must not forget the anniversary of your father's death.
He died on June 20, 1945.
Go and worship at Yasukuni Jinja by June 20 every year.
Your father is waiting for you there.”

After her mother's death, Ms. Y goes to Yasukuni Jinja
every June by herself.

This time she had two tickets for Yushukan 遊就館 museum 
in Yasukuni Jinja and invited me to come with her.

--------------- --------------

She was admitted to the main shrine 本殿, got herself purified, 
(御祓い)and listened to Shinto prayers (祝詞).

Then she offered a branch of the sacred sakaki tree (榊)
to Shinto God.

She prayed silently joining her hands before her breast.

I was just watching her, exhasuted by tension.

I was glad she looked relieved and relaxed
when every service was over.

After lunch we went to 遊就館 museum.

Sorry to say, we were too tired to see all the exhibitions.
We promised to visit it again.

Ms. Y and I would often go hiking together.
We met after a long absence.
I was happy to spend a day with Ms. Y.

(Yushukan 遊就館)

the rainy season

2017-06-09 20:37:00 | ノンジャンル
The rainy season is here to stay.

The start of the rainy season was declared
the day before yesterday.

Yesterday, we had changeable weather---
cold, cloudy, windy and clear weather
in the afternoon.

But today, we had pleasant weather —
sunny and not too hot.

We've had very little rain here in Tokyo, I'm afraid.

I don't like rainy days but we need rainy days.
We can't live without water.
I'm afraid of water supply restrictions in summer.

We must take the weather as it comes.
It is impossible for mankind to control nature.

I'm worried about abnormal weather affected
by global warming.

I'm afraid heavy rain will cause severe damage
here and there.

I hope
no disasters will occur
at any place.

(today's sky)