karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

sightseeing in Tokyo

2005-11-30 23:17:07 | ノンジャンル
I am an onobori-san, bumpkin in the metropolis. I've lived in the suburbs of Tokyo for six years but I'm still a stranger in Tokyo. So today I joined one day bus trip and enjoyed sightseeing in Tokyo.

I visited the Imperial Palace, the former Edo Castle. I went into the palace from Kikyo-mon Gate. I walked 2.2 kilometers, watching its beautiful buildings and gardens.

You can't enter any buildings. You have to apply by letter for visiting the Imperial Palace.

I had lunch at a restaurant in Imperial Hotel, Tokyo--French bread, soup, main dish, salad and tea or coffee.

After lunch I visited Rikugien Gardens. I enjoyed maccha, powdered green tea, watching wonderful autumn leaves.

I was very sorry something was wrong with my digital camera and I could not take any pictures of today's bus trip.

on the way home

2005-11-28 23:39:07 | ノンジャンル
My granddaughter went to day nursery. She usually stays there until 5:00p.m. when her mother comes to meet her after a day's work.

Today instead of my daughter, I went to day nursery at 2:20 p.m. and came home with my granddaughter, walking hand in hand, singing songs, and stopping to watch a spider.

The spider was building webs to trap insects. My granddaughter likes small creatures very much, especially spiders.

She and I enjoyed a beautiful day in late autumn.

(not dead, not withered--I was deeply impressed by these flowers.)

(at nine this morning)

(She is excited to find a spider.)

autumn concert

2005-11-26 21:50:09 | ノンジャンル
My daughter and her husband are going to give a 18th annual autumn concert tomorrow. Both of them play the saxophone.

Oh, I've not heard yet what music they are going to perform on the saxophone. The hall is 'Vienna Hall in Geijutsu-Gekijo' in Fuchu City. The concert will start at 2:00p.m. Admission free.

I've just had a phone call from my daughter that her daughter, Koharu, got a fever. I hope she is not very ill.

Anyway, I'll have to go to her house to take care of Koharu tomorrow. I cannot attend their concert. I hope it will go well.

Today I enjoyed walking in Kunitachi City.
(This is a pond.)

(on the Hitotsubashi campus)

(fallen leaves)

from Takao to Lake Sagami-ko

2005-11-23 00:17:48 | ノンジャンル
My friend and I got off at Takaosan-guchi Station on the Keio Line early this morning. We hurried to the start of a mountain trail to Mt. Takao. The trail is called "Inariyama-course," the longest trail of 8 trails to Mt. Takao.

We climbed Mt. Takao, then followed a mountain ridge to Iccho-daira, then climbed Mt. Shiroyama and went down to Lake Sagami-ko. It was a long, long, way for me to walk---I walked 32000 steps!

All the forests displayed glorious autumn tints of red, yellow, gold, green, light green, and brown. Every forest was amazing.

Climbing mountains is physically tough. But climbing mountains always makes me happy and thankful to be alive.

sidewalk along Tamagawa-Josui

2005-11-22 22:54:17 | ノンジャンル
My room of the apartment faces Tamagawa-Josui. The sidewalk along Tamagawa-Josui is named "Green Road."

It was a lovely day today. This morning I saw many people walking or running along Tamagawa-Josui. Some were walking with dogs. What a pleasant and peaceful scene!

Yesterday all the fallen leaves on the Green Road were swept up by the cleaning staff. I like fallen leaves on the road. So, I felt a little bit sorry for Green Road having been cleaned.

(at noon, today)