karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Koganei Park, alone

2017-01-31 09:49:00 | ノンジャンル
I heard that Ume blossoms have started to bloom
in Koganei Park, so I went there on Sunday.

It takes about 30 minutes for me to walk to the park.
This is one of my favorite parks.

Ume blossoms were not at their best yet.
But I was happy there.

I'd like to visit the park again next month,
when うめまつり is held.

I talked to two ladies on the bench and we had a long
talk about many things.

I enjoyed 一期一会,
a chance encounter, so much.
I had a wonderful time with two ladies.

Congratulations, ozeki Kisenosato!

2017-01-23 09:44:00 | ノンジャンル
You made it, Kisenosato!

I'm sorry Hakuho has lost to you,
for I've been a fan of yokozuna Hakuho
for these ten years.

But I can't help congratulating you on winning the
tournament for the 1st time.

It's not because you are a Japanese
but because you are a very good sumo wrestler.

Your patient efforts for many years remind me
of the first English song I learned at junior high school:

Try, try again.

‘Tis a lesson you should heed
Try, try again;
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again;
Then your courage shall appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear!
Try, try again. (from my memory)

When the tears ran down your cheeks,
tears welled up in my eyes too.

Keep on trying your hardest, Kisenosato.

Let me say again, “Congratulations!.”

Dear harusumi-san,

This is one of my favorite songs.

Yes, I can still sing this song
which I learned 62 years ago.

The song was written on the back cover
of my English textbook, Jack and Betty.

I am sorry I have some trouble with my vocal,
so I always sing out of tune.

I am so happy you do like this song, too.

Kisenosato has acted out this song
in real life, hasn't he?

Thank you.

Dear ki-san,

The day has come when we can enjoy a match
in which a Japanese Yokozuna fights.
I'm sure he will do his best.

Thank you.

President Trump's inaugural address

2017-01-21 14:59:00 | ノンジャンル
It's very windy today.

The sky is so blue.

The fleecy clouds are blowing away.

How peaceful!

I've just read President Donald Trump's
inaugural address.

This is the top news story on TV today.

I feel uneasy about the dim future.

I'm afraid that President Trump will cause
a hopeless chaos not only in America but also
in the whole world.

Peace on Earth!

(this morning)

to the museum in Shinjuku

2017-01-15 13:45:00 | ノンジャンル
The extremely cold weather has brought a heavy snow
in snow districts.

I love to see a landscape of snow.
It's so clear, clean and pure.

But I know how hard it is to live there
in the snow country.

I'm from Niigata.

Here is Tokyo, is's very cold but we have no snow.
The sky is now blue. (at 9:00)


Yesterday Mrs. M and I met at Shinjuku Station.

After greeting each other,” Happy New Year!,”
we walked to the museum損保ジャパン日本興亜美術館.

This time, we enjoyed five young Japanese ladies’
川城夏未・木村佳奈子・橋本トモコ・堀 由樹子 and 横溝美由紀.

These five ladies are all as young as my daughter---
I mean they are in their forties.

The exhibition is titled
Quintet Ⅲ Five-Star Artists 五つ星の作家たち.

They are said to be artists of great promise.
We enjoyed their latest works on the theme of ‘Nature’.

It's wonderful to express your thought, ideas or memories
in your paintings, isn't it?

Anyway, I enjoyed the exhibition very much.

Mrs. M and I had a light meal at a restaurant Hotel Okura Duke
on the 50th floor of 新宿野村ビル.

I enjoyed English conversation there with a young Japanese

After lunch we strolled around the city of Shinjuku.
Mrs. M knows Shinjuku better than I.

What a nice day we had!
Thank you so much, Mrs. M!

I walked 13528 steps in a day.

(from the window of the restaurant)

a blue sky

2017-01-12 14:17:00 | ノンジャンル
It was very cold this morning.

There has been a frost in front of my apartment.

I've just been to my daughter's house.

Not a cloud is to be seen in the sky.

Where are you, my dear?
I know you are in the sky.

Do you see me looking up at this blue sky?


Your birthday was January 11.

Our daughter and I talked
about our many cherished memories
of you.