karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

On Dec. 13, 2022

2022-12-13 21:58:53 | 日記
Today one of my late husband’s colleagues sent me
a box of Mikan produced in Shizuoka.

How sweet and juicy!
Yes, they are Mikkabi-Mikan, which I love so much.

The colleague has been sending me Mikkabi-Mikan
since my husband’s death.

It is 48 years since my husband passed away
at the age of 33.

The colleague and his wife have always been
concerned about me.

I can’t help appreciating
everything they’ve done for me.

on Nov. 2, 2022

2022-11-02 19:18:37 | 日記
What a beautiful autumn day!
Not a cloud is to be seen in the blue sky.

I wish I could soar up to the blue sky,
disappear into the sky
and finally go to Heaven.

Are you there in Heaven, koharu?
Are you happy there?

How I wish we could enjoy talking, walking,
singing, playing the piano or reading books
as we used to do on Earth, koharu!

I dearly love you koharu,
my dearest granddaughter.

on Oct.23, 2022

2022-10-23 22:22:17 | 日記
Time really flies!
It’s two months since I wrote here last.

The season has changed from summer to autumn.
I’m glad we have four seasons here in Japan.

What season do you like best?
I like autumn best.
It’s neither hot nor cold.
The wind signs in the branches.
The leaves flutter down.
I like to walk over the fallen leaves.

I remember my younger days
and feel a bit lonely. I don’t know why, though.

It was a nice autumn day today.

English Speech Contest, 63 years ago

2022-08-22 17:17:54 | 日記
When I was a second year student at high school,
my English teacher told me to enter an English speech contest
for high school students.

The subject of the speech was ‘Teen-agers and the World.’
The contest was held
on October 31, 1959, 63 years ago,
at Kanazawa American Center 
In Ishikawa Prefecture.

Those who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize were to enter
the national contest.
Oh, how sorry I was! I won the 4th prize.

I happened to find my manuscript and I decided to keep it
here on my blog.