karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

birthday card from Florida

2020-11-25 21:14:00 | ノンジャンル
What a happy surprise!
Today I received a belated birthday card
from Anne, my old pen pal,
who lives in Florida, USA.

I wrote to her in June
but she did not answer my letter.
I have been worried about her health.

She writes she is not doing well.
She can't sleep.
She falls quite often.
She has many aches and pains.

What a relief!
I'm glad she is good enough to write to me!

Anne has been my dear pen friend for 65 years.
She doesn't like emails,
so we exchange letters by post.
She doesn't like photos, either.
and we have never exchanged photos.

Anne is
my dearest,special pen friend.

my 78th birthday dinner

2020-11-14 22:56:00 | ノンジャンル
It was a beautiful clear autumn day today.

I was invited to a dinner party by my daughter
this evening,

How happy I was!

My birthday is November 17.

My daughter's family celebrated my 78th birthday.

My daughter and her husband made かに鍋 for me.

My grandson bought a bottle of wine for me.

My granddaughter, koharu, in Sapporo, joined us
on the phone LINE.

かに鍋 is my favorite dish.

We talked and laughed a lot.

I had a great time.
Thank you for everything !

blood pressure

2020-11-08 10:11:00 | ノンジャンル
I have high blood pressure.

I started to get treatment
when I was in my forties.

I take two different tablets
for blood pressure every morning.

And my blood pressure is usually 140~150 / 80~90.

This is rather higher for normal blood pressure.

Yesterday I went to see my doctor.

To my surprise, my blood pressure was 130 / 70 !
This was the best data I've ever had.

Yes, I know blood pressure is changing
moment by moment.

Both of my parents passed away
from high blood pressure ----of a brain stroke.

Is this my way to go? If so, yes, that's OK.
