karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2019-03-31 13:45:00 | ノンジャンル
There is a narrow street called
桜通り near my apartment.

Yesterday, we enjoyed さくらまつり
here in 桜通り.

さくらまつりhas been held by a local
elementary school 青少対

There were various kinds of roadside stands
games for children, flea markets, etc.

They were all crowded.

I enjoyed 太鼓演奏、dances by little children,
沖縄の踊りand other performances
on the street.

I applauded a brass band performance
by a local junior high students.

It was cloudy and very cold yesterday.
Yes, it was 花冷え and 花曇り.

I was happy to see cherry blossoms
with my neighbors.


Showa Kinen Park

2019-03-26 13:14:00 | ノンジャンル
I've been in rather poor health
for some years.

I've been afraid of going out—
far away from my apartment.

What shall I do if I get ill on the way?


On Sunday, the day before yesterday,
Mrs.Iwa, living near my apartment, asked me
to take her to 国営昭和記念公園.

When did I go to the park last?

It was in November, 2017.

I was a bit afraid of going to the park, but
I decided to take her there.

There were a lot of people coming to the park.

It was a little earlier for enjoying
spring flowers.

Mrs. Iwa and I walked to みんなの原っぱ 
and 日本庭園.

We ate おにぎり in みんなの原っぱ,
watching people playing there.

They all looked very happy and we were
happy to see them.

We had a really good time talking a lot.

I was glad Mrs. Iwa did love 昭和記念公園.

(Mt. Fuji welcomed us!)



on March 21,Vernal Equinox Day

2019-03-21 21:57:00 | ノンジャンル
Today the Meteorological Agency
has announced the cherry trees
have come into blossom in Tokyo.

Sakura Season has come in Tokyo!

The weather was very changeable today
--- cloudy, windy and sunny.

In the afternoon I walked
to our local shrine 熊野宮.

I prayed for my granddaughter's happy
and healthy days in Sapporo, Hokkaido,
where she will start her university life.

She is looking forward
to living by herself.

She is looking forward
to studying at university.

She is looking forward
to living in Sapporo.

I'll miss her so much!

(on the way to 熊野宮)

on March 17,2019

2019-03-17 11:55:00 | ノンジャンル
The month of March awakens
many memories of the distant past.

I easily forget what has just happened
but I remember the memories of the past.


What a terrible terror! I’m shocked!

Last Friday, March 14, there was
a hate-filled terror attack on two mosques
in Christchurch, NZ.

Christchurch is a very special city for me.

It is the first foreign city I visited
in my life---when I was 59 years old.

I stayed there for one month,
walking around the city alone every day.

The city is called a Garden City.
The city is a peaceful and beautiful city.

According to today’s radio news,
50 people were killed in the terror.

I'm sorry there's nothing for me to do.


It's a very beautiful day—-sunny and warm.

But the weather is said to break
in the evening—a thundershower!

My daughter went to college to attend
a meeting to study astrophysics.

My granddaughter went to her old high school
to help her juniors'club activity.

My daughter's husband and son went out too.

I'm always ready to go to my daughter's
to take in the laundry.

I'm glad to be able to help my daughter.