karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Manjushage in Kinchakuda

2010-09-29 22:14:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday the television said ヒガンバナ in 巾着田
were at their best now.

So I got up early in the morning, I did the washing
and cleaning my room.

I left my apartment at half past eight and hurried
to the nearest station on Seibu Line.

I changed trains at Hagiyama, Kodaira, Tokorozawa,
Han-no and arrived Koma Station.

On the train for Tokorozawa, I sat next to a Philippine
lady and we enjoyed talking in English.

When I was walking alone around the 巾着田, some people
asked me to take their pictures.

One of them was a lady from Yamagata City.
She said, "How beautiful! I wish I could stay here longer
but I have to go back to Yamagata today."

In 巾着田、a thick carpet of 曼珠沙華 covered the ground.
I had a good time there.

In 巾着田, they call the flowers 曼珠沙華, not ヒガンバナ.

I walked 19709 steps today.

Harmonica Enka Summit in Tokyo

2010-09-25 14:34:00 | ノンジャンル
The day before yesterday I attended a harmonica concert
held in Asakusa.

The typhoon was approaching, the wind was blowing
and the rain was falling.

It was a cold day but it was very hot in the concert hall
浅草公会堂. There were 1000 people at the concert.

The concert started at 1:00 p.m. and lasted about three
hours--too long for me.

I thought my teacher's performance was the best of
all the players at the concert.

Asakusa was crowded with holiday shoppers.
I bought 人形焼 for koharu's family.

(Tokyo Sky Tree from Asakusa)

Happy Monday in September

2010-09-21 14:03:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday was a national holiday.
It was Respect-for-the-Aged Day.

M-san and I met in Tachikawa and
had lunch at a restaurant in Palace Hotel.

Then we went to Showa Kinen Park to enjoy
flowers of cosmos--but they are just coming
into bloom.

To my surprise, the fee to the park was free
for those who were over 60!

We left Showa Kinen Park earlier than we had expected
and went to see a movie.

The movie we saw was 「オカンの嫁入り」starring Otake Shinobu.

We had indeed A Happy Monday.