karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Feb. 29, Saturday

2020-02-29 23:09:00 | ノンジャンル
Nobody can stop the spread
of the new coronavirus.

Is COVID-19 called Pandemic?

We are seized with blind panic, I'm afraid.

It is reported that a lot of people rush
to buy up toilet paper, tissue paper,
retort-pouch food or instant ramen. Why?

I'll stay either at my apartment
or at my daughter's to be away
from the new coronavirus.


The community centers in Kodaira will be closed
until March 15.

I'm sorry I can't attend Wednesday English Class
nor Friday English Class.

Oh, how I miss my friends!

(at 7:00 this morning, from my window)

a sunny and warm day!

2020-02-24 13:02:00 | ノンジャンル
What a sunny and warm day!
It's NO windy.

I've just been to a supermarket,
a little far away from my apartment.

I walked about 7000 steps to and from
the supermarket.

It's warm enough to make me slightly

It's too warm for this time of the year.

I bought my lunch at a convenience store
on the way back to my apartment.

What are you planning to do this afternoon?

I'm going to my daughter's and
enjoy her husband's belated birthday party.

koharu, my granddaughter who studies in Sapporo,
will join us by LINE again.

I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time!

(written at 11:30 am)

receiving a letter from Anne!

2020-02-13 20:07:00 | ノンジャンル
I've just received a letter from my pen pal Anne,
who lives in Florida, USA.

We have been pen pals since I was 13 years old,
I mean for 64 years, as I often write on my blog.

She writes,

“It is now Jan. 25. I started to write this letter
3 weeks ago.
I do not know what is the matter with me.
I sometimes sleep for a longer time at night.
I just never know what night.”

She posted this letter on Feb.6, 2020.

Something is wrong with her!

The older we get, the more forgetful we get.

I'll write to her as soon as possible.

(tamagawa-josui, today)

today's flowers

2020-02-07 22:06:00 | ノンジャンル
Oh, time flies!

It is seven days since I wrote here last.

It's Friday and I attended Friday English Class
at the community center.

First we talked about the new coronavirus.

Every member was nervous about how and when
the situation would return to normal.

By the way, our young American teacher said
she had never worn a mask.

Her family is going to Shiga-kogen to enjoy

They seem not to be afraid of the new coronavirus.

The news of the new coronavirus makes me

The following flowers near my apartment
makes me calm and happy.