karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Northern Europe (3)

2012-07-31 23:19:00 | ノンジャンル
After the concert we visited Bryggen (ブリュッゲン)
one of the World Heritage Sites in Norway.

Bryggen means ‘wharf’.

Our hotel was in this district.

We stayed there for two nights.

(my hotel)

Northern Europe (2)

2012-07-31 22:50:00 | ノンジャンル
We thirty members arrived at Bergen at 14:30
local time.

As soon as we arrived at Bergen, we visited the house
of Edvard H Grieg, (グリーグ)a great composer born
in Norway.

This is the house where Grieg lived for 22 years.
He loved this house very much. It stands on the hill
called Troldhaugen (妖精の丘).

There was a concert hall and we enjoyed some of his works
by Ms. Signe Bakke, a famous pianist in Norway.

It was a wonderful piano concert.

She played—


Northern Europe (1)

2012-07-31 22:12:00 | ノンジャンル
On July 20 it was raining hard and I was walking
in the rain to attend the last Friday English Class
before summer vacation.

I wanted to read the story in the Chicken Soup
with all the members of the class.

After having a late lunch at home, I hurried to Narita
by local train by way of Nippori. It took a long time
to get to Narita Airport.

Having checked the meeting place, I changed yens
into NOK(ノルウェークローネ), SEK(スウェーデン
クローネ), DKK(デンマーククローネ) and Euro
(ユーロ). How complicated!
Norway does not belong to EU.

Then I went to Hotel Nikko Narita and stayed overnight.
The hotel was crowded with people from foreign countries.
I was glad many foreign tourists were coming to Japan

On July 21 I got up early in the morning and left the
hotel before seven and went to Narita Airport.

There were so many tourists that it took a lot of time
to check in---security check, customs, passport control
and finally going to the boarding gate.

The plane SK0984 (SAS スカンジナビア航空) was full.

It took about 11 hours from Narita to Bergen(ベルゲン)
in Norway.

to Northern Europe

2012-07-19 11:53:00 | ノンジャンル
My suitcase has gone to Narita Airport.
I'll go on a package tour of Northern Europe.(北欧)

Tomorrow I'll go to Narita after Friday English Class
is over and stay at a hotel close to Narita Airport.

I'll fly straight to Norway by Scandinavian Airlines System
on the morning of July 21st.

I'll visit Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

I'll enjoy myself at everything I'll do there.

See you in August!

(from my apartment, this morning)

Umi-no-hi, Marine Day

2012-07-16 23:41:00 | ノンジャンル
I was born and brought up in a mountain village
in Niigata Pref.

I had never seen the sea before I was a fifth grader.

When I was an elementary school girl,
I was always singing a song ‘Umi’.

海は広いな大きいな 月がのぼるし 日が沈む

My house in Niigata City is located near the Sea of Japan.
At night I could enjoy the sound of the sea in 1980s.

Oh, many happy memories come back to me!

This is the picture I took in summer 6 years ago
when I went back to Niigata.

It's only 10 minutes' walk to this beach from my house.