karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

The Living Treasures of France

2017-09-24 15:48:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Mrs. M and I visited Hyoukeikan
in the Tokyo National Museum, Ueno Park.

We enjoyed viewing amazing works by 15 artists,
The Living Treasure of France at.

Their works are exhibited in 8 rooms:

Room 1 Ceramics ( 陶器 )
Room 2 Tortoiseshell Art, Leather work, Gold and Silver smithing
    ( 亀甲細工、革細工、金銀細工 )
Room 3 Straw Marquetry, Hand blocked Wall paper,
Free hand Metalwork
    ( 麦わら象嵌細工、壁紙、真鍮細工 )
Room 4 Umbrella and Parasol Design, Fan Design ( 傘、扇)
Room 5 Pleated Textile Design ( 折り布 )
Room 6 Heliogravure, Engraving Embossing
    ( 銅板彫刻、紋章彫刻、エンボス加工(ゴフラージュ))
Room 7 Feather Art ( 羽細工 )
Room 8 Glasswork ( ガラス )

I was fascinated by each of 15 artists' works.

Yes, they are really the Living Treasures!

We went to a restaurant in the museum
and had a late lunch as we usually do.

Sorry to say, I was hungry but had little appetite.
I could not enjoy the meal.

“What's the matter with me?” I wondered.

Thank you so much
for worrying about my appetite,
Mrs. M.

Anyway I was happy to enjoy
the exhibition フランス人間国宝展
with you, Mrs. M.

This exhibition will be held in various parts
of the world.




the typhoon 18

2017-09-18 11:01:00 | ノンジャンル
The typhoon18 is still blowing hard
in Hokkaido.

I hope it will not cause a lot of damage.

Here in Tokyo, I see a clear blue sky
after it has passed during the night.

I couldn't sleep well.

A lot of ginkgo nuts(銀杏の実)have fallen
in the typhoon.

(in front of my apartment, this morning)

It was cold yesterday.
It is very hot now.
I don’t know how to keep my health.

use English here and there

2017-09-11 17:22:00 | ノンジャンル
Last Saturday Mrs. M and I went to
the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
in Ueno Park.

We enjoyed Great Collectors: masterpieces
from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Mrs. M and I enjoyed the exhibition—
collections of ancient Egyptian, Chinese and
Japanese art, and its remarkable collections
of French, American and contemporary paintings,
prints and photographs.

After having a late lunch at a restaurant
in the museum, we walked around Ueno Park,
found an empty bench and enjoyed talking there,
watching little children playing merrily.

After a while a middle-aged foreign couple
came to us and shared the bench with us.

They were from the Netherlands.

They were speaking in German.

They said they could speak English and French too.

So, we enjoyed talking in English.

They said they had arrived in Japan the day before
and they couldn’t get rid of their jet lag yet.

They were going to visit 日光、鎌倉、江の島、箱根、
高山、京都etc. during the next two weeks.

Anyway, Mrs. M and I enjoyed talking to them
in English.

The couple looked very happy to talk to us, too.

Yes, we enjoyed 一期一会.


Yesterday I went to my granddaughter koharu’s
School Festival.

The event of koharu's class Space Cup attracted
many people.

There was a long line in front of her classroom.

The line was getting longer and I joined the line too.

While waiting for my turn to come, I enjoyed talking
to a high school boy in English.

He was fluent in English.

koharu was busy and looked alive.

I was glad she had a brisk way of doing things.

I tried using English whenever I talked to high school
boys and girls.

All the students I spoke to were ready to answer me
in English.

I was surprised they were all used to using English.

I talked to a few young mothers too --- in Japanese.

I enjoyed 一期一会 
both in English and in Japanese.

What a good Sunday I had!

on a calm autumn day

2017-09-08 22:01:00 | ノンジャンル
Will we have burning days again?

Today we had a calm autumn day in Kodaira.

Are we in the beginning of autumn?

I enjoyed walking to and from my daughter's house.

I was humming a song while walking.

According to the weather forecast, we will have
a crisp autumn weekend.

Now I'm feeling a little uneasy.

I hope North Korea will do
nothing destructive
on such a beautiful autumn day.

There was a large earthquake in Mexico,
8.2 magnitude.

It is reported at least 28 people have died.
I'm afraid there will be more earthquake victims.

Please rescue them
from under a pile of rubble!

(tamagawa-josui, todayミズヒキソウ)