karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

community open college 2010 (1)

2010-05-29 19:09:00 | ノンジャンル
I registered as a student at community open college 2010
by Bunka-joshi Daigaku.

Bunka-joshi Daigaku in Kodaira stands within an easy walk
from my apartment.

I registered for English Course--11 lessons.

Today I had the first lesson.

Today's title was "Let's learn English from a movie."
The movie was My Fair Lady.

I'll have the second lesson in June.

today's photos

2010-05-26 21:44:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I noticed that flowers of dokudami came out.
What lovely flowers!

I was looking forward to your coming out, Dokudami-san!

Dokudami is a perennial plant.
Dokudami is a very strong plant.
Dokudami has a strong smell.

Dokudami doesn't mind being disliked by human beings.
Dokudami always looks cheerful.

I saw a tall acacia tree in front of a convenience store.

I like flowers of acacias too.
They are small yellow or white flowers.
They have sweet scents.

There used to be an acacia grove at the back
of my house in Niigata.

Oh, how I miss their sweet scents!

English songs I learned in my high school days

2010-05-23 19:57:00 | ノンジャンル
It has been raining all day--not so heavily in Tokyo.

I went shopping at a far-off supermarket from my apartment.

I enjoyed walking in the rain with my umbrella open.

I was singing English songs without I knew--
of course I was singing out of tune, though.

Those songs reminded me of my English teacher
in my senior high school days.

He often taught us English songs in English class.

He liked movies very much and told us about many movies
in English class.

He belonged to a certain political party and told us about
politiccal things of the time very often during class.

So we were very slow to read our English textbook---
only ten lines or so an English class.

Do you know the following songs?

Mama Look a Boo Boo
Come Back Liza

They are still my favorite songs.

( on the way to the supermarket)

130th birthday

2010-05-19 23:30:00 | ノンジャンル
Today koharu's school celebrated its 130th birthday.

I attended the ceremony in place of koharu's parents.

All the pupils gathered in the assembly hall.

They learned the history of their school.

They sang their school song.

All the pupils stood up and sang rap music
to celebrate 130th birthday.

The words of the rap music was koharu's poem!

Then in the playground every student released
a balloon with a message at one time.

Where have all those balloons flown on the wind?

walking along Tamagawa-josui

2010-05-18 23:05:00 | ノンジャンル
Today was a fine but windy day.

The wind was so strong as to knock down
koharu's bicycle.

The blue sky was beautiful with white clouds.

It was hot but I wanted to go for a walk.

I walked along Tamagawa-josui.

I enjoyed an early summer walk.

I returned to koharu's home before she came back
from school, of course.

I walked 15058 steps today.

