karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on the last day of November

2016-11-30 22:17:00 | ノンジャンル
Today it was very cold but not windy.
It was a good day for walking.

I walked to an Italian restaurant
which is about 15 minutes’ walk
from my apartment.

I had a delicious lunch there with a few of
my good friends.

We had a long relaxed talk together.

What a happy time I had today!
Thank you so much, Ladies!

a cold busy day

2016-11-25 11:56:00 | ノンジャンル
I was so busy yesterday.

In Tokyo area, we had the first November snowfall
in 54 years.

According to the radio news, the Ome and
Chuo lines were suspended.

I was wondering if my daughter's family could go
to work or school.

All of them have to take the train daily to go there.

Suddenly I had a phone call from my daughter.

“The washing machine has suddenly stopped and
will not work while the clothes are being washed.

I'll bring these wet clothes to you, and will you
do the washing for me?”

I know she is very busy every morning.
She has to do many things before going to university.

So I myself hurried to her house and brought the washing
for a family of four to my apartment.

My washing machine is a small one and I did the washing
three times!

I went to my daughter's house and back three times a day
walking the snowy slippery road.

I was glad I am good at walking on the snowy road.
I was glad to be able to help my daughter.

“A new washing machine will arrive tomorrow,”
she said this morning. She bought a new one.


By the way, my belated birthday party was held
at my daughter's the day before yesterday.

It was the only day all family could get together
for dinner. They are all very busy every day.

Oh, how beautiful their bithday song for me
in a vocal quartette!

Thank you so much, my dearest ones!

manhole cover

2016-11-20 10:21:00 | ノンジャンル
Are you interested in manhole covers,
I mean, their patterns or designs ?

They have stories.

I happened to know I could get
a manhole cover card of Kodaira City
at 「ふれあい下水道館」

I don't know how many cards they prepared.

It was written there were 500 cards left and they would give
us those cards in order of arrival.(先着順)

So I left my apartment at 10:00, walked in the rain
along Tamagawa-josui and arrived 下水道館.

It was my first time to visit it.


This is the manhole cover card I got.

(the back)

This is a picture of our city's manhole cover
I took on my way back.

Are you interested in manhole covers?

I think I will take pictures of manhole covers
when I visit different towns or cities.

the Exhibition of Lucas Cranach (3)

2016-11-13 19:43:00 | ノンジャンル
It took us about two hours to enjoy the exhibition.
Mrs. M and I had a late lunch at a terrace table
at a restaurant精養軒.

Then we strolled leisurely towards 不忍池.



Mrs. M and I sat on a park bench
and talked a lot as we always do.

Both of us felt thankful for being alive
and enjoying talking there like that.

We promised to meet again next month.

I walked 12036 steps in a day.