karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

bought a new PC

2011-01-31 13:36:00 | ノンジャンル
My laptop computer suddenly crashed with a snap.

I thought the circuit within the computer shorted.

I used it for five years.

The following is my guess---

Dust must have got into the computer
and have collected inside.

Then the machine heated up.

The circuit finally shorted.


Yesterday I went to Tachikawa
and bought a new laptop computer.

This is my fifth computer.

I asked my daughter to come and help me
with my new computer.

Thank you, Daughter!

I’m so happy to be back here.

jazz & pop music concert

2011-01-24 13:01:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I enjoyed a Sunday afternoon concert
at ルネ小平レセプションホール.

I walked to the concert hall.
It took me 35 minutes to get there.

This time it was a jazz & pop music concert
given by JOY MUSIC where my granddaughter koharu
and her brother have piano lessons or drum lessons.

They played their favorite music on the stage
with four professional musicians.

koharu played her favorite song "星に願いを"
on the piano. What a beautiful and soulful song!

koharu's brother played Takarajima on the drums.
How cool!

I don't think I understand music but I do love music.

(on the way to the concert hall)

(koharu is playing the piano.)

(koharu's brother is playing the drums.)

community open college (10) 

2011-01-22 21:46:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I had the 10th English lesson
at 'community open college 2010'.

I had the first lesson last May.
I'll have the last lesson next month.

Today's title was "Read Barack Obama".

First we saw DVD "Barack Obama"--
I remembered how excited I was when I heard
his speech in his presidential campaign.

Then we began to read some passages from his book
"Dreams from My Father
--A Story of Race and Inheritance."

We had such little time left that we could not finish
reading those passages.

I've never read the book and I did not know
anything about himself.

I was deeply interested in the book.

I'd like to know much more about him--
about the first African American President of USA.

The Social Network, movie

2011-01-20 19:38:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday my daughter came home early
and I had some time for a movie in the afternoon.

I wanted to see one of three movies.

They were "Space Battleship ヤマト", "相棒"
and "The Social Network".

I hurried to Tachikawa Cinema but was too late
for the movie ヤマト.

"Oh, It's Wednesday and I can watch the drama 相棒
on TV. OK! I'll see the movie The Social Network,"
I thought to myself.

I was interested in the movie The Social Network,
because I was once a member of Facebook.
I was interested in the founder of Facebook.

The founder of Facebook is, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg.
He was born in 1984 and he is now only 27 years old.
He is now a billionaire!

It is very difficult for me to review the movie
in English. Oh, how poor my English is!

Please go to a movie theatre and see The Social Network
if you are interested in Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg.

(today's sky in Kodaira)