karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

movie Shizumanu-taiyou

2009-10-27 09:42:00 | ノンジャンル
Do you remember the day August 12 in 1985?

I was back in my native town for Bon Festival that day.

I cannot forget that day--that airplane accident.

I read the novel 沈まぬ太陽 by Ms. Toyoko Yamazaki
as soon as it was published.

I was greatly touched by it.

The novel was made into a movie and it is now showing.

Yesterday I went to Tachikawa Cinema and watched the movie.

The movie moved me to tears.
The movie greatly encouraged me.

To be alive is wonderful.

birthday cake

2009-10-25 23:50:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu was born on October 28, 1999.

She will be 10 years old on Wednesday.

Today we celebrated her birthday.

On Wednesday koharu's friends are going to celebrate
her birthday after school.

That's why we had a party for her today.

When I came to live in Tokyo, koharu was only
a 6-month-old baby.

Her brother was 6 years old then.

Now koharu is an elementary school girl,
and her brother is a high school boy!

It is only natural for me to feel I'm getting old.

koharu's mother made a chocolate birthday cake
for koharu.

koharu was excited and said,

"This birthday cake is full of love.

Oh, thank you. I am so happy!"

October 23rd

2009-10-23 08:42:00 | ノンジャンル
Time flies.

It is five years since a big earthquake struck
the Chuetsu area in Niigata on Oct.23, 2004.

I was born and brought up in Chuetsu until I was 18.

The earthquake did a great deal of damage.

My parents' graveyard was almost destroyed then.

I hope that all the sufferers are doing better.

I feel very busy this October--

with a trip to Shinshu,
with kominkan-matsuri,
with koharu's undo-kai,
with attending concerts,
with circle activities, etc.

koharu is now in the 4th grade in her elementary school.
koharu comes home late.
koharu plays with some of her friends when she can.

I am happy koharu is getting stronger in mind and body.

(on the way to my community center, yesterday)

perfect day for sports

2009-10-19 18:03:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday was a nice autumn day.

koharu's undo-kai, which had been postponed
on account of swine influenza, was finally held!

koharu is not good at running.
She often falls down even when she is walking.

Yesterday she ran as fast as she could!
Hooray! koharu completed the race without falling down.

She danced So-ran very well.

Anyway koharu looked happy that her undo-kai was over.