karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

papers on chemical experiments

2005-05-20 13:59:42 | ノンジャンル
During my stay in Niigata I was always looking for something, because all the rooms were full of odds and ends. It was as if I had just moved in a new house.

As I wrote yesterday, I had asked a contractor to move my bed in the room on the second floor to another room in the first floor. Before moving the bed, the piano had to be carried out. I decided to give the piano to my friend's grandson.

While getting the bedroom ready for sleeping that night, I happened to find a file of papers on chemical experiments I performed in my high school days---46 years ago!

I learned chemistry when I was in the second year in high school. I liked chemistry very much. You know we learn chemistry by performing a lot of experiments in class.

46 years has made it very difficult to read my papers. The color of the papers turned brown and made it hard to read my handwriting in pencil. But I tried and tried to read them which I wrote 46 years ago..

I was excited to know what kind of high school girl I had been. Yes, I was a very diligent student.

I've forgotten almost all I learned in those days. I think what I learned in those high school days had some influence on my formative years.