karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Sep. 26, 2021

2021-09-26 17:39:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I attended a general emergency drill
in the community. (総合防災訓練)
About 70 people attended the drill.

First, we all walked about 10 minutes
to a nearby school ground for evacuation drill.

Then, we practiced calling to a fire station and
learned how to talk on the phone in case of
a fire or first-aid. 

Next, we experienced walking in the smoke.

After that, we practiced using a fire extinguisher.

Then, we learned how to use AED.

Lastly, we experienced an earthquake simulation vehicle.

Ample contents!

I had a good time, though I was a little tired.

on Sep. 19, 2021

2021-09-19 13:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Beautiful Sunday!
Blue skies with some white clouds.

After finishing my morning routine,
I walked along Tamagawa-josui.

The sun was shining but it was not hot at all.
A cold wind was blowing but it was not cold at all.
The humidity is 50% now, I hear.
What a comfortable day!

I enjoyed walking along Tamagawa-josui slowly.
I saw a トンボ flying happily.
Was the トンボ going home?
Was the トンボ coming here to play?

彼岸花 were blooming here and there.
But they were past their best,
though they were still beautiful.

Little autumn flowers were seen in the bush.
I'm sorry I don't know their names.

I'm sorry I didn't take my camera with me.

I enjoyed strolling
along Tamagawa-josui.
What a good time I had!

on Sep. 11, 2021

2021-09-11 13:33:00 | ノンジャンル
Twenty years have passed
since the tragic September 11th terrorist attacks
on the U.S.

I remember I was too shocked to speak a word.


By the way,
how are you spending your Saturday?

I got up at 7, did the washing and had breakfast
around 8, listening to the radio program 山カフェ
by 石丸謙二郎.

This is my favorite program, which makes
me feel as if I were walking in the mountain.

When the program was over, I cleaned my rooms

Then I went to the super market to buy food
for supper.

I'm so busy on Saturday mornings.

I'll stretch out and have a nap from now on.

on Sep. 5, 2021

2021-09-05 13:11:00 | ノンジャンル
I've just been to the beauty salon
to have my hair cut and colored.

Yes, I went to 村上茉愛's Mother's.

The salon was still full of flowers or
presents to celebrate Mai-chan's
東京オリンピック・体操女子 種目別 ゆか 銅メダル獲得.

Today, I saw Mai-chan in a long dress.
She is such a lovely lady.

I was surprised that the bronze medal
she got was very heavy!

Thank you, Mai-chan.
You made me so happy.