karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

going on a Cribbean cruise

2013-01-30 23:01:00 | ノンジャンル
Everything is ready.

I'll join a package tour---on a Caribbean cruise.

I had my suitcase delivered to Narita Airport
this morning.

I will stay overnight at a hotel near Narita Airport

On Feb.1 I'll be flying to New York,
where I'll change planes for Miami.

Our Italian ship will sail out to the Caribbean Sea.

What will I see?
What will I hear?
What will I feel?
What will I taste?

See you in the middle of February.

Les Miserables

2013-01-28 12:18:00 | ノンジャンル
When I finished my breakfast, I suddenly thought of
going to Tachikawa to watch a British musical drama film
Les Miserables.

(Tachikawa Cinema 2)

Many of you have already watched the film.
You know the story, of course.

I remember reading a book titled 「ジャン・バルジャン」
when I was a very little girl, probably 10 years old.

The little girl was deeply impressed by the book
and remembered the names of ジャン・バルジャン, コゼット、
or the name of the author ヴィクトル・ユーゴ.

On January 5 in 2001, I attended a musical performance
of Les Miserables held in Imperial Theatre..(帝国劇場).

It was held to celebrate the 90th birthday of Imperial Theatre.


Jean Valjean(ジャンバルジャン) was played by three
actors 鹿賀丈史・滝田 栄 and 山口祐一郎.

Les Miserables always encourages me to live out my life
whatever may happen.

Jean Valjean tells me not to be discouraged.

How strong the human spirit can be when he/she has a dream,
or hope, and when he/she has someone to love.

art exhibition in Ginza

2013-01-26 09:28:00 | ノンジャンル
I received an invitation card to ‘The art exhibition 銀座美遊展’
from a friend of blog friends.

It opened on January 20 and closes on January 26, today.

On Thursday Moro-san and I went to the exhibition
and enjoyed about 70 paintings.

Thank you for the exhibition card, B-san.
We had a good time.

Then we had lunch at our regular Japanese restaurant 大増.

After lunch we strolled here and there in Ginza.

When will the new 歌舞伎座 be completed?

Jazz & Pop Concert 2013

2013-01-21 10:31:00 | ノンジャンル
When I came to live in Tokyo, koharu was
only 6 months old--almost just born.

Time really flies!

koharu is now 13 years old.

She is very busy at junior high school.
She comes home very late in the evening.
So I don’t see koharu on weekdays.

koharu learns the piano at JOY MUSIC.

Yesterday JOY MUSIC gave a concert--
‘Jazz & Pop Concert 2013.’

It was held at ルネ小平.

There is a big red mailbox near the Hall.

koharu performed on the stage with three professional

She played 子象の行進, Henry Mancini’s
‘Baby Elephant Walk’on the piano.

Probably you know the melody.
How groovy the beat is!

Her teacher said to koharu, “Great, koharu.
You've done it well.”

Thank you, koharu.

I had a wonderful time.

(koharu on the stage, on July 11 in 2004)

Saturday morning

2013-01-19 09:45:00 | ノンジャンル
What a lovely day!

I'm thinking of a gray dark sky in Niigata
looking up at a beautiful blue sky at my window.

The first snow still stays on the ground—for 6 days!

It has been so cold since we had the first snow in Tokyo.

What are you doing now--on this Saturday morning?

Now I think I will play 童謡 on the harmonica.

I left Harmonica Circle
because my teacher I respected so much passed away.

I sometimes enjoy playing the harmonica by myself.

Have a nice weekend!