karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today’s lunch

2012-06-29 23:52:00 | ノンジャンル
What a lovely day!

I did not have Friday English class today.

So I went to a bank in Kokubunji, bought
a bottle of Bright Up Lotion and had lunch
at a restaurant in the department store.

I ordered a dish of a hamburger boiled in soup
with vegetables.

Hunger is the best sauce.

The dish tasted delicious!

It cost me 1260 yen.

fresh green

2012-06-27 11:12:00 | ノンジャンル
Every leaf looks fresh in the sunshine
in the rainy season.

Yes, I feel everything is alive.

I'm glad I'm alive.

I'm glad Donald is alive.

Donald is koharu's family's goldfish.

He has turned almost all white.
He is quite old.

He was only a 3cm baby goldfish when he was brought
to koharu's home 6 years ago.

He is now a 24cm white fish pet!

Yes, Donald is glad he is alive.

He is talking to me, isn't he?

He is our favorite.

Ginza was crowded

2012-06-25 00:40:00 | ノンジャンル
Ms. M and I promised to meet at 11:30 a.m.
on the platform of Chuo Line in Tokyo Station.

I arrived a little earlier and waited for her arrival.
It was four months since we met last.

First we went to Mitsuo Aida Museum.
I bought his three books 「いのち」「ある日自分へ」「本気」.
I like his poems very much.

Then we walked to Ginza and had lunch at 銀座大増.
We enjoyed 梅雨膳 with a glass of wine.

Then we went to UNIQLO GINZA.

I was surprised it has 12 stories!

Of course we looked around each floor--from the 1st floor
to the 12nd floor.

There were many mirros on each floor and I felt a little dizzy.

I bought a sky blue cardigan for myself.

Ginza was crowded.

Is the economy improving?

Anyway, I had a good Sunday.

I walked 13875 steps in a day.


Shakespeare Theatre

2012-06-24 09:20:00 | ノンジャンル
The day before yesterday, I went to see a play
at 俳優座劇場 in Roppongi with Tomoe-san.

The play was Pericles, Prince of Tyre.(ペリクリーズ)


To tell the truth, I knew nothing about the play Pericles.

The play was written by William Shakespeare in 16th century.

The play was acted in Japanese.

The play was directed by Mr. 出口典雄.


There was almost no scenery on the stage!

There were almost no Shakespearean costumes!

I’ve never seen any of Shakespearean plays
acted in English on the stage.

I wish I could, but can I see them in Japan?

the summer solstice

2012-06-22 09:39:00 | ノンジャンル
June 21, yesterday, was the longest day of the year,
the summer solstice 夏至.

We’ve had bad weather lately because of the typhoons
No.4 and No.5.

Yestersay was hot and humid.

We practiced the harmonica in the hot and stuffy room.
We were not allowed to run the airconditioner in the room.

koharu came home at half past four..

Her brass band club is out, for they are going to have the
1st term exams next week.

The weather was not so good but I had a good time
talking a lot with my granddaughter, koharu.